Malice Mizer little Diary von Zill (fun-fic XD) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: tagebuch mana ------------------------ ALs erstes mal. eh well.. my english isn't soo good so don't be tooo mean to me T_T It's just that it sounded in english more good >< there will be mistakes (vorallem rechtschreibung) and so on D but i Hope it doesn't matter and you'll like it !!! have fun !! PS:(da sind zeimlcih viele rechtschriebfehler driNTT die verbesser ich morgen oder so *es spät is*also bitte achtet vorlalem auf dne inhalt XX) okyo,Japan the 20 of august 2006 +Manas Diary with the black pluesch heart in the middle+ It was a day like every other day today. I went up early in the morning to make my make up perfekt and then I went to meet my band. Of course I was the earliest so I drank coffee when they arrived. Well I looked at them really mad because they were too late but they just looked at me. „Hey mana what's the matter,did you sleep bad?“ and I told them that they were late. Then Klaha ment: „Wah don't be sooo mean to was just two minutes. Well don't worry sooo much Mana.. you will get white hair from it.. „and the others said. „what is that!!! MANA i guess I see WHITE hair there!! you're becoming old!!“ I was really shocked because I CAN'T get old NOW. Well then Klaha hit me and said. „doesn't matter mana,you always looked that old.“ I hit back..well no one is hurt really... he just had to go to the hospital because of the chair I took to hit him back. Well you see my lovely diary... nothing much important happend. Well!! OH there was someting!!! I have a newwww hair color now !! My hair is blue/black again *__* waaah I am sooo happy!!! so you can't see my white hair..if there was some... I should go to ask my therapist what he means... Well... mh... but with the band it's going well really ! We just have to take some freetime because klaha isn't able to sing at the moment. In fact I don't know if he's awaken yet . But it was his own fault!! He shouldn't be so mean to me!!! Sometimes I ask myself if he hates me !!! but then I think „well mana... you are tooooo beautiful and good. Nobody can't hate you! NOT KLAHA because he's not as cool as i am of course. And i think he knows that. Well I was so confused when közi helped him treating me! But he will see! In the next clip he has to do something really bad!!maybe dancing in a pink skirt or something like that.. I AM MANA MUAHHA nobody can be mean to me without taking the responsibility!! well... ahhhhh I can't find my teddy!! I can't sleep without my teddy!! ahh kami found it while searching for his cloth in my room... well dear diary... it was soo boring today.. but tomorrow i'll take photos of klaha in the hospital to show you *.* hehe... I bet i should bring him something...well..maybe..a chair hahahahahaa~ MUAHAH well~ good night diary!! I'll go to sleep with my teddy now thanks to kami! Good night !! Kapitel 2: tagebuch közi ------------------------ Kojis evil black diary what he's not able to open without yu~kis help+ Tokyo,Japan at the 20 th of august 2006 Dear Diary..or some stuff like that.. well mana told me I should write something like that. Don't know why.... he told me if I won't you wouldn't answer.. he's sometimes a little bit strange the guy...guy..woman?guy?woman? ARGh don't know..alien...yeah ...I think he's an alien. I hope he won't ever read that because I am afraid of him since today. I mean Klaha was really mean to him.. but Mana took a chair und ... well.. i didn't see but after that klaha lies on the ground and mana said: „well... hm..nice chair...we should buy more of this stuff“ (the chair is from IKEA !! I really should buy more) well doesnÄt mater yet.BUT you see?? MANA HIT KLAHA and he fell down to the ground wihout a scream or something and we all thought he would be dead (I hoped so but in fact he isn't T_T) and Kami screamed: „hurry up!! we have to take him to the hospital!!“ but Mana groaned that he has to go and I said: „well let him die it doesn't matter“ and then Kami was really angry with me and he screamed at me and told me I shoudl die too but I told him that I wouldn't because they need me but Klaha was just... well... mh.. „KLAHA!!! I want to have something to drink!! go and get something NOW“ yeah and he went... he was our slave perhaps. So it wasn't bad that mana hit him in fact.. but then Mana looked at me really evil.. I just made a little bit fun of him and he looked at me as if he wanted to EAT ME right now!! I wanted to run away but he looked at me and looked and I really nearly started to cry T_T MANA was NEVER so MEAN TO ME T________T And now I am not able to sleep because he could come and eat me while I am sleeping.. I'll go to yu~ki now and sleep in his bed...he will beat me and hit me and bite me to go out of his bed but i won't T__T well I hope I can write you again T____T daisuki my little diary T_T I really loved you..but ..well T_T i have to go ! In love közi Kapitel 3: tagebuch kami ------------------------ +kamis diary who's already dead but didn't want to go so stayed here* Toyko,Japan the 20 th of august 2006 Dear Fluffy... it was such a baaaaaaaaaaaaa~d day today you can't imagine!! my band is SOOOO SILLY. Especially Mana and Közi .WAH I could KILL them ~ You know Mana was really mean today... he nearly killed Klaha!!! And Közi wanted to let him die!! I mean it's no fun do be dead right?? I know that but they don't !! Any me bloved chair!! Can you imagine???? Mana took MY chair!! And now,because of Klahas silly head there is a bloody point at my white chair. ARGH silly guys!! They should know that you don't take anything white!! But of course Mana didn't !! well I knew it because everytime if he washes MY things they turn from white to gray!!! You know why???? right!! I guess Mana can't see colours RIGHT. Argh I really could kill him sometimes!! And Közi !! Bah silly kid!! He was mean to Mana and now he's afraid Mana would eat him! Of course mana wouldn't!! Because he would become fat then (I think he eat too much the last times but i better not tell him right?) well... Mana would kill him.. noo~ he would come to me like that: „kaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiii~ you're soooooooooooo niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeee neeeee?“ and I would say:“ah mana what you want?“ and he would say: „kill közi he was mean to me“ and I would say: „alright in 10 minutes it's done.“ And of course It would. I mean since I am dead it's all much more fun for me.. I can tell közi how bad it is being dead and he will be so afraid that he will die because of that. And so I don't have to do anythin.. well... hm... I have to go... I want to try this out.. I'll write you if he's dead or not later!! in love your kami ps: it's 20 minutes later but he's not dead yet Oo bad bad... I have to try something other!! see you then ! Kapitel 4: tagebuch yuki ------------------------ +yu~kis book where isn't very much inside because yu~ki doesn't know what to write+ tokyo,japan the 20 th of august 2006 hoi~ what's goin ooooooooo~n!!! ah I forgot you don't talk to me... like all the others.. well nothing new ne~ ey something really funny happend today!!! Mana KILLED Klaha!! well not really in fact.. it's sad because I wanted to look what klaha is like if he's dead( kami is really strange since then but I like him *_*) well .. közi is lieing in my bed right now..well no Oo he's looking behind my bed..and under my bed..and between my clothes.. and behind my shoues and in my toilette and in my shower... well you ask what the hell is he doing?? well I DO TO!! Oh now I asked him and he said he don't know if Mana is going to find him here. I won't tell him that Mana knows where he is . Oh no better! I tell him then he will go!! Because he want's to sleep in MY bed... silly guy! He's toooooo fat for my bed ~.~ I beat him outside if i have to!!! he's doing strange things while sleeping and I am afraid of this! And he shouldn't see my little dolly I am sleeping with. He would laugh about me T_______T but it's the only one- WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?? now he's in my cupboard.... eh.. well.. I will talk to you tomorrow.. I have to beat him out of my room ... he's ..well NOW my cupboard broke down.. I TOLD HIM HE'S TOOOO FAT!! write you tomorrow perhaps.. I have to kill közi.. no well.. I have to hit him with a chair.. well.. WHAT THE FUCK IS KAMI DOING HERE TOO??? ok i 'll really stop now..something strange is going on here Oo see you then yu~ki Kapitel 5: tagebuch klaha udn tagebuch mana nächster tag -------------------------------------------------------- +klahas diary in what he can't write often because mana has it to read interesting things+ hiho! This isssssssssss MANA XD yeah be happy !! well just wanted to tell you that Klaha can't write today because he was sooo stupid to be beaten by a chair..(it wasn't my fault of course)and now he's in the hospital and not awaken yet.. but he'll talk to you sooon lot's of kisses mana tokyo,japan the 21 of august 2006 huhuuuuuuuu~ darliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin~ yeah it's me of course,Mana,the best ever. Huhu ! You can't imagine what happend!! RIGHT klaha isn't awaken yet!! Bah I am soooooo proud of me! I didn't know that I am able to do that! Well Kami was really depressed today but he didn't want to tell me why. Well I'll read it soon in his diary I guess hehe. Hm.. I have new nails *_* they are blue with black gliter now ! Wahh it's sooo sexy really hihi! Oh by the way! We had an interview in a TV show today..and I was really angry with Közi yesterday so I gave him a nice costüme! It was really cute. It was pink.... and it was fluffy hihi (kami told me it's „fluffy“) well it was a bunny haha... eh well.. at the beginning. Then the people told wasn't a good idea. And yu~ki said. „bunnys aren't as fat as közi is.. you should do something other with him.“ I understood and thought about a nother animal. But I really couldn't imagine what. But THEN i knew it. I didn't want to make him to an animal NO .. he became... hehe oh I wanted to take a photo.. he became a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig piiiiiiiiiiiiiink puuffff baaaalll (yu~ki named him so) and then we played socer with him while the TV show. But I think he has to go to hospital soon Oo because he looked really bad after that. But it looked sooo cute!! kami wanted to poke him.. but there was a streeet.. and well.. it wasn't good.... közi rolled down and we didn't want to run (I couldn't with my shoes) well but he is alive!!! but he can't stand yet.. I think I'll look after him now! So I'kk write you tomorrow!! see you then !! in love with 1000 kisses Mana Hosted by Animexx e.V. (