Give me the Song and I'll sing it von moko-chan (J2/RPS) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Beauty and the Beast ------------------------------- Song: Angela Lansbury – Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast Tale as old as time There were many stories ghosting around the internet of how exactly they had met for the first time, most of them involving blinding smiles and hugs, if not at least a warm handshake and the subsequent strike of love-lightning. Jensen sometimes caught himself reliving that very first moment, thinking back to when Jared had walked through the door, nervous, and so very, very young, and begging for his acceptance with big brown eyes. There were no smiles, no dimples - those came later. Their very first meeting was about fear and supremacy, and Jensen, who had never before been in the position of so much control, felt flattered, and pleased – and unbelievably relieved. This boy, this ginormous man-child with hands as big as garbage lids was nothing but likeable – adorable even, and Jensen found himself smiling at Jared in a way he didn’t smile at a lot of people anymore. True as it can be He offered Jared his hand, and when Jared seized it with both paws at once, shook it with shy insecurity, Jensen barely managed refraining from patting his wide shoulder. Then Kripke came in, pleased to see them thus amiable together, started talking about the show, ranting even, and twenty minutes later, Kripke was still chatting enthusiastically, and Jensen’s gaze happened to meet Jared’s with a small wink. It was the first, brief silent exchange between them, and it was over in the blink of an eye – Jared’s eye, to be precise – but it had been there. Barely even friends The next meeting was different, but in a good way. Jared was less nervous; more relaxed, and out came the dimples. Jensen was a little taken aback, to be honest. Jared had been adorable all anxious and eager to please, the dimples were simply too much. But then they started reading out the script for the first episode, and Jensen was so amazed by the sudden change that went through Jared – how he became Sam – that he forgot all about the dimples, until the reading was over, and Jared did the unexpected. Then somebody bends He hugged him. Jensen found himself blinking over one wide shoulder, all smashed up against Jared’s warm body, and, funny enough, he didn’t mind. He hugged back. It was okay that he had to stand on his tiptoes to do it, felt weird, sure, but still good. Jensen couldn’t remember when he had hugged another guy who wasn’t his brother like this – he wasn’t the touchy-feely guy, never had been – but with Jared it was different. In a way, Jared was his brother after all. Unexpectedly It was strange, how they fell into routine after that. Jared would hug him whenever they hadn’t seen each other for more than three hours, and Jensen would hug back, even if he teased Jared for it from time to time. Jared would put his arm around Jensen’s shoulders at public events, and Jensen would let him, because he knew that the smile Jared wore for the cameras was to hide his insecurity, and for reasons he didn’t fully understand, he felt never more protective than when he was with Jared. It made no sense. Jared was the human equivalent of a bear. He could take care of himself. Just a little change When Jared started playing it up, when he did more than just hug, when he started climbing him like a tree – that was when things became really weird. Cause Jensen still didn’t mind. He played along, was glad and happy for Jared that he had lost his fear of the unseen viewer who could judge him in the privacy of his home, and it was a little too late, when he noticed the way he reacted to Jareds touches had changed. Small to say the least And there was nothing, not the smallest thing, he could do about it. It would have been nothing but cruel to tell Jared to stop now – and for no other reason than that his stomach suddenly did funny things when Jared put his hands on him. Stupid. And Jared seemed to do it increasingly often, Jensen wasn’t quite sure about that, he kind of had the feeling Jared touched him all the time now, and that couldn’t be accurate. Jared was a pretty handsy guy, that much was true, but the occasional pat on the back, the soft stroke along the nape, the rub across the thigh was normal between friends, right? Right? Both a little scared It was when those touches stopped entirely that Jensen noticed it finally. Jared looked at him funny. Not bug-eyes funny, but … sad. Longing. And he wasn’t prepared for that, not in the slightest. Jared had a girlfriend. It was hard enough fighting his own feelings; he couldn’t do that when he knew there was a chance of actually getting what he was craving for. Neither one prepared So, when he kissed Jared in his trailer after a day of shooting in the rain and rolling around in the mud in Dean’s clothes, Jared freaked out on him. Naturally. It took Jensen almost five minutes to calm him down – he was just that good at Jared-management, thank you – and then he kissed him some more, until Jared finally believed that this was neither a joke nor a prank, but really happening. And Jensen wasn’t all set for Jared in lust. It felt quite different when these big strong hands groped his butt instead of his biceps. But Jensen managed. He always did, didn’t he? Beauty and the Beast It took them two full weeks to figure out that that thing between them was a little bit more than friendship, a lot more than lust, and nothing they had felt for another man ever before, and they were both scared shitless. Jared still had a girlfriend. Of course Jensen couldn’t just tell Jared that he was scared. That wouldn’t have been very manly now, would it? So he kept quiet, stole a glance at Jared whenever he thought he wasn’t looking, except that Jared was looking all the time. And when Jensen saw that Jared was scared just as much as he was, it wasn’t so bad anymore. Overprotectiveness actually had its merits. Ever just the same And they did great. They didn’t rush things – Jensen made sure of that – and only when Jared swore he would go nuts with testosterone overdose, if Jensen didn’t fuck him already, Jensen gave in and did it. Ever a surprise And that changed things so fundamentally that he had another freak-out. This relationship with Jared was awesome being what it was – the sex was too good to be true. There had to be a catch somewhere. Maybe it was the girlfriend. Ever as before But Sandy wasn’t there, was far, far away, and Jensen swore he would do nothing, nothing to jeopardize this. There would be no moving together, no coming out to anybody, no change at all. Everything was just perfect how it was. Even with the girlfriend. Ever just as sure And it stayed like that. Sure, Jared was a hand full, and sometimes Jensen wondered when he had gotten so unbelievably besotted that he even adored him in his sugar highs. As the sun will rise But when he woke next to him after a night of extremely exhausting sex followed by shameless cuddling, he wouldn’t have had it any other way. Tale as old as time They stayed together in secrecy, told nobody that they were more than just friends, Jared didn’t even break it up with Sandy. Tune as old as song Sometimes Jared was still very afraid what the unknown person at home in front of his or her TV would think about him. Bittersweet and strange Jensen watched him freak out over and over again, had to suffer through Jared’s engagement, and finally decided that he had to risk something if he didn’t want to lose everything. Finding you can change He told Jared he loved him, wanted him and only him, and that he wanted Jared to tell Sandy the truth, end the engagement, and move in with him. Learning you were wrong Jensen had always thought, Jared knew that he loved him. Sure, he hadn’t exactly said it – but he thought it had been pretty obvious. Jared hadn’t known – Thus all the freak-outs and the engagement. Certain as the sun rising in the east As soon as Jensen had said the words, there was a shift in the atmosphere, Jared’s eyes started to gleam in a way they hadn’t for a very long time, and then there was true love’s first kiss. Jensen had never been so breathless before. Tale as old as time They moved in together. They weren’t so sure the fans believed their story about Jensen having to move out of his old apartment and finding no other place, but they didn’t really care. Song as old as rhyme Jared didn’t really care for anything he had been so afraid of, since Jensen had said the words. Beauty and the Beast Living together wasn’t exactly easy. Jensen was grumpy in the mornings, and Jared seemed unable to clean up after himself, but it was heaven nonetheless. Tale as old as time Jensen would listen with the patience of a saint to Jared’s endless rambling about this or that or the other thing, and just adore it, when Jared lost track of what he was talking about mid-sentence. Song as old as rhyme Jared would watch Jensen play guitar, listen to him with growing fondness in his eyes, just about ready to pounce on him when Jensen would start singing along without even noticing. Beauty and the Beast It didn’t really matter how they first met. That was a long time ago. The End Hosted by Animexx e.V. (