Not under control von VideoGameCrack (Mein NaNoWriMo-Projekt für 2010 - mit täglichen Updates!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 8: Day Eight -------------------- This entire thing baffled him. Why did that woman think he won't betray her? Frank was sitting in his office, staring at the small paper she handed to him. It made him completely ignore that it could need some tidying, but maybe he just didn't care at that point. She felt so... confident about it. She talked to him as if she knew him for years. The more he thought about their chat, the harder it got for him to comprehend all of this. He had no other choice: he had to get to Gerald or Anthony and tell him all about it. Maybe that will help him to make up his mind. After he put the piece of paper back into his coat, he left his office and went out onto the street. It was already pretty late as he could already see the stars shining in all their glory, but maybe Gerald was sitting in the bar again. He hoped that at least. For some reason, it felt rather weird again for him. Normally, the streets were noisy and bright, but right now, it seemed like he was the only one on the street. It was almost like walking through a ghost town. Thankfully, the bar wasn't far away from his current location, so he just tried to ignore it and make his way to meet either his informant of his creator. Some time passed, and even though he should have already reached his destination, it felt he just walked on the spot. He tried to get faster, started to run, but it didn't seem to help him. As he tried to catch his breath again, he noticed a few people walking past him, looking at him with this penetrating look on their faces. He recognized at least a few of them from a few hours ago, when he got chased away from the warehouse. He heard them whispering to him: „It has no use.“ „You know you want to.“ „You have this place and you know it.“ „Break out.“ „Help us and yourself.“ „Follow us.“ Frank fell to the ground, helplessly trying to get up again. He started to struggle with himself. Something in him really wanted to go to the place the adress leaded to without telling anybody. „I'm losing my mind, don't I?“ More of them passed him as he tried to get up again, but it didn't seem to stop. Slowly managing to stand again, he looked at the paper he got from the woman. It didn't seem to far away. „Maybe I should have a look first and check if she didn't try to trick us again.“ As he turned around to get to his new goal, he noticed that he could actually move again to get some distance. Also, these weird people that just surrounded him suddenly dissappeared. „Maybe Gerald isn't the only one who could need some sleep“, he thought to himself as he eventually moved towards the adress the got from the woman with the red hair. It was an even weirder place to have as a headquarter than the broken down warehouse he saw earlier that day. He even double-checked if he got the right adress from her. But everything around that place seemed to work even worse as a meeting place, so it just had to be here. It appeared to be a closed down jazz club. Nothing too big, but it probably should work for only about thirty to forty people. It seemed pretty weird that nobody apparently went here to visit this place, as the door seemed to be the only way to enter, and the air at the entrance was filled with dust as he opened the door with a kick. His doubts came back that he even found the right place as nobody seemed to have cleaned this place in weeks. „It shouldn't have surprised me“, he thought, about to leave again. „Wait! Where are you going again? You've just arrived!“ He turned around again, to see the woman from last time standing within the moonlight that shone through the windows. „I expected this place to be a little bit... fuller.“ „We don't spend our entire time in this place.“ „Then how did you know I'm going to arrive right now?“ She put on that convinced smile again. „I got my sources for that.“ „And these people I saw walking in this direction as well?“ „I have no idea what you're talking about.“ He looked around some more, trying to come up with a good question to ask her. Just a bunch of tables and chairs standing around, having no other purpose than taking away space. He couldn't deal with the idea of sitting on chairs that look like they may collapse if a fly would randomly land on them. „Maybe it would be a good time to introduce yourself“, he finally said. „I am-“ „Frank. I already know. I go under the name of Helena.“ „If you're a statist, how can you have a name, not to mention a distinctive look?“ „It's too complicated to explain you this right away. Let's just say that I don't have much of a role, but still enough to justify the way I am at the moment.“ „You're just trying to confuse me, aren't you?“ She tilted her head. „Maybe?“ He couldn't come up with a proper answer that wouldn't result in him being more confused than he was already. So he tried to change the subject. „Why do you trust me?“ „Elaborate. Maybe it would make it easier to give you an answer.“ „You're giving me the location of your weird group of extremists, sitting away from the two people that need this information very badly and you didn't seem to have any doubt in your actions. Why?“ „Because I knew that this all was going to happen.“ „Don't tell me you believe in fortune telling or any of this other garbage...“ „Oh, why should I? The results you get from these are too inaccurate to get any kind of idea of what happens next.“ Frank raised an eyebrow. „You can actually see into the future?“ „I can look as much into the future as the next guy – not at all.“ And she managed yet again to make even less sense in Frank's eyes. „Why are you still talking like this? Why won't you try to be at least comprehendable?“, he pleaded her. „I don't feel like giving everything away right now. It would spoil the fun.“ „...weren't you trying to escape this world at one point? Wouldn't it help me if I knew what was going on?“ „Of course. But we still need to prepare a few things, and who knows if any of your friends manage to get something out of you.“ „...and you still don't worry about me giving away the vital information of the existance of this place?“ „We switch around a lot. At least seven other places could be called our“ - she made quotes with her fingers as she said the following word, still with that irritating smile - „location. It wouldn't help them much either. We don't leave clues lying anywhere when our meetings are finished, and the next meeting location is always chosen randomly. At least one of them we haven't seen from the inside for over two weeks.“ She started moving in his direction. „And why would you anyway tell anything to anybody? You know that you can't do that. You have only waited for somebody to give you a new choice: The one to leave this place and never return.“ This made Frank feel angry. „When are you getting it? I am not interested in escaping!“, he yelled. Helena chuckled. „Then why are you raging if you don't care about it?“ „Because you don't seem to either get to the point or to understand that not everybody is interested in fleeing from Gerald's story! How long will it take me to explain this to you?“ „You just can't accept it, can you?“ „And there you go again!“ „You're just hiding behind your fassade, Frank.“ „Stop talking!“ He jumped in her direction, reaching out after her with his hands, about to strangle her. „So that's the way you want to solve this issue...“ She proceeded to punch him in the stomach, causing him to fall onto one of the tables, which broke upon the impact. As Frank knew again what was going on, the look on Helena's face changed radically. The smile was completely gone, as her eyes glared at him with full force. „That isn't the way you deal with a lady.“ Her voice wasn't the same anymore, either. It wasn't that friendly, almost seducing voice anymore. „And it isn't the best solution to just forget that you don't want to escape, either.“ „You're still thinking that? Doesn't seem like I got any other choice...“ He pulled the gun out of this coat and pointed with it at Helena, just about to pull the trigger. Without changing her facial expression, she only slapped the gun out of his hand. „Don't force me to hurt you, Frank. It will hurt me more than it's going to hurt you.“ He was baffled by this. She wasn't a normal woman. She couldn't be. He tried to back away from her, getting closer and closer to the entrance, but just as he got out, he couldn't move anymore. „It won't help you to escape me, Frank.“ As she got closer to him, he finally regain his ability to contoll his body and jumped out, with his eyes looking at the door, as Helena got out, suddenly with her more familiar smile and voice. „Let's just forget that you wanted to kill me, alright? Somebody is going to drop the adress in your mail tomorrow. See you then.“ And she disappeared again in the shadows of the jazz club, while Frank was trying to understand what just happened in there. But as he got down to it, meeting Helena again just made it worse than before. So he decided to try to forget again that this just happened, walking off to his office again. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (