Forgotten Past von Senpai99 ================================================================================ Prolog: Epilogue ---------------- It's February, today marks 7 years since I can't remember anything from my past, I only sometimes have slightly gabs from something. It is all like a puzzle of million of pieces and I only have 5 or 10 of them and I'm still trying to gather the other ones. Oh sorry I haven't told you who I am right? Well my name is Miuna Pryel some friends call me Miu. I'm almost 18 years old and i live in Brighton. As I was 11 I woke up after 1 year from a coma which surprised thw doctors a lot since I had no chances of waking up (looks like life gave me a second chance) however when I woke up i could only remember my name and that i was somewhere from "another world" I didn't say I was from another world...I could feel they were different from me so I only told them my name. In all this 7 years I got to remember that I'm an Angel and that I have been living in the vampire realm with my family. Yes angel,vampire I'm from that kind of fantasy world. I thought I'd never be able to remember the rest and that I would end up living in the human realm forever, but my destiny has something else prepared for me. A few days ago I actually got a letter from the vampire realm, every magical creature is to be invited at the Princess 19th birthday. Guess I'll be going there...I already learned how to go through portals and in two days I have to be there. I hope this will take me on the path of my forgotten past. Kapitel 1: Deja Vu ------------------ The alarm annoyed me so i just sat up amd stopped it. I wasn't fully awake yet but after a few seconds i stood up and walked to the bathroom after taking some clothes from my closet. I turned on the water the stripped from my clothes and pushes myself under the cold jet of water that immediately woke up. Today i would say goodbye to the human world, well I'm not sad at all.....i don't have any friends here and basically even at school no one even knows i exist. After washing myself and my hair i get out a dry myself up with the towel then get my clothes on,i then dry my hair and brush my teeth then adjust a little my make up; all i do is mut soms maskara on and some lip gloss, I'm not really thd girly type of girl but i am going to a party afterall. In the end i walk out the door and shut it then i leave my keys near the door, i already told someone to take the keys. As I'm headed towards the little forest near my house i keep having the feeling I'm being watched....but every time i turn around i only see the little girl from my neighbourhood. She has white hair like a snowflake and beautiful blue eyes, she's younger then me and i often see her wondering in front of my house but she always ran of as i wanted to talk to her. I try to ignore her and enter the forest as i get to a spot i look around to make sure no one was watching and i realised she was no longer behind me. As i moved my hand a portal opened and i walked through it ending up in a forest near a sparkling blue waterfall as i gwt some water splashed on me from it. "So i am finally home" i say sarcastically then blink as i hear some horses and quickly get behind the waterfall as i see two boys and a girl stop by the lake and they get of their horses. "Gabe come on you said you'd hang out with us before the party" said the girl; she had blonde dark hair and some big brown eyes. I could tell she was around 16 from what she looked like. "Alright alright Soph i will. But don't froget to get ready alright?" He chuckled and pat her head; he seemed around my age and strangely....he seemed familiar. He had black-browny hair and some emerald green eyes. "Guys!" The other boy shouted and they both looked at him; he was aroind the age of the girl maybe one year older. He had brown hair and soms greenyblue eyes. "Someone else is here....i can feel his/her energy" I gasped not sure what to do as suddenly i can feel all of them look at me as they could see through the waterfall, luckily they didn't get to come close as some loud noise as a signal comes from behind them and they all get back on the horses. "That was close" i sight relieved then got back on my realising how familiar the path looked to me as i kept getting a deja vu feeling. "I should better already be dressed and with my mask" I go somewhere between the trees and softly move my hand as ice covers my body in the form of a dress then it shatters as a dress with three different colours appears on me. As i finish with my dress i put on the mask i had in my hand and put my hand back to let my hair down as it reached my shoulders. A.V: After getting herself prepared the young girl walks towards the palace that is now visble to her and stops by the gates. "What is your name and why are you here?" Demanded one of the guards looking at her examining her. "I came here for the party,here is my invitation" she said and handed over her invitation. The guard tells her where she has to go then bows opening the gates. The girl walks through them and enters the palace as some weird feeling hits her when she walks on the alley then leads through the garden towards the doors. It must be just my imagination right?. She thought to herself and softly followed the butler that has offered to show her the way. To be continue... Kapitel 2: Ball NIght --------------------- And there i was. Sitting all by myself in a corner. It all scared me...there were so many familiar faces but i couldn't bring myself to remember who they were. As i was about to flip out i suddenly hear a voice. "Ladies,Misses,Lords and Misters please welcome the royal family" said a young man as i then see 4 good looking persons walking in the room for some reason the names Luce and Dany popped in my head as i stare at them a little smile forming on my face. "I am really honor and glad to have all of you come tonight to my daughters birthday party" said a women; mist likely the queen. She was wearing a reddish and blue long dress as in ancient times, her hair let down with sime curls in it as the crown was holding the hair down. On her right was a man, the king, he had the traditional clothing a vampire king usually wears. At each of their side were their son and daughter. Why....why do they seem so familiar? Why do names keep popping in my head when i see some people. I didn't knew what was going one so i slightly took a step back and ended up bumping into someone as i fast turn around and bow my head. "I am really sorry" i said not sure what to do. "It is alright My lady" said the voice of a man. I slightly look up and for a moment i frown as i realize i knew him and the other two standing by his side. Three guys were standing right in front of me, one of them i saw back the waterfall. I slightly opened my mouth wanting to talk but no words came out. "Miss are you alright?" Asked me the one from the waterfall then he softly sniffs and blinks. "This scent. Who are you if i may know miss?" "I.....I..." i stutter not sure what to do. As then a hand pats my shoulder and as i turn around and jump up slightly at a sudden hug then i hear a warn voice. "Miu! It is you right? It has to be you, you resemble her so much" as i looked who it wad i see the soft voice came from the princess. I just stare at her in shock. How did she knew my name? How is she so familiar? Why do i feel glad around thi four people? Many thoughts ran my mind at that moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The party endet but i was still there surrounded by exactly 9 people, which names i had in my head. Narian,Patch,Gabriel,Daniël,Lucinda,Queen Anyera,King Heron, Sophia and Jake. They were all staring at me as if they have seen a ghost i didn't really understand why but i knew it had something to do with my past i didn't remembered. "Are you really our Miu?" Asked Daniël. "I....I'm not really sure what to answer. All i can tell you is that my name is Miuna Pryel, i know I'm not a human however more then this i don't know myself......i have no memories" i say kinda quietly as all of their expressions change from joy to sadness,depression and terror. "Miu......we were all so worried when you disappeared back then when the rebellians attacked....and now you're back....but....but you don't" i frowned as tears went down on.the cheeks of Princess Lucinda " you don't remember us" Out of instinct i just hugged her and softly whispered "Luce......that's your nickname right? I only remember some names when i see you all" tears fall down although i didn't feel like crying instead i was feeling weak and before i knew it darkness took over my body. "Miu! Miu what's wrong?!" "Prepare a room and get the doctor" Those were the last things i heard before completely going inside my mind Kapitel 3: Morning of Fate -------------------------- ×Miuna's P.O.V× As i slightly open my eyes the bright light of the sun hits me. It was morning again, my eyes slowly wander around the room; it was a big room the walls where a bright blue the windows had slightly gold curtains and the bed was comfortable....but wait this wasn't my room. I suddenly sit up as pain inside my head hits my. "Ugh...." i say quietly. Then i suddenly hear someone gasp next to me and i turn my head meeting some familiar eyes. It was him....Gabriël Turner , he had some dark circles under his eyes meaning he didn't sleep that much. "Are you feeling okay? Do you feel unwell or are you in pain?" He says quickly as i can see his eyes full of worrisome. "Y...yeah I'm fine......just stood up to fast. Ne....what happened?" I look at him waiting for an answer. "Yesterday after the ball we were all around you really glad you came back when u fainted. Everyone got very worried mostly Princess Lucinda." He explains to me amd i nod then something goes through my head. "Ah right! Weren't by parents there too? I mean they would have recognised their own daughter right?" I say looking at him for an answer as i see his expression changing as more feelings flow through his eyes the strongest one sadness and pain. "G....gabe? W...what is it?" I stutter nervous. "I'm sorry Miu...........they we're killed the day you and your sister disappeared" he says and i frown as i can feel tears flowing down and i start to panick. "NO.NO.NO.NO" i kinda shout as he pulls me to his chest comforting me that's when some images flow through my head. My memories......are kinda back. I think to myself as i slowly calm down. It must be fate that the person i always relied on is here holding me. I felt saved.....and free....and alive.....i felt.....happy. Kapitel 4: Bloody Truth ----------------------- ×.Miuna's P.O.V.× I was sitting at a table with everyone. Lucinda Price,Daniël Price,Gabriël Turner,Patch Cipriano,Narian Grey,Lord Cannan,Lady Allisha, Queen Teresa and King Peter. I had asked them to let me talk to everyone. But in the past 30 min no one maid a sound. In the end me clearing my throat brike the silence and everyone looked at me. "I wanted to ask you guys something......What happened back then when the rebellians attacked?" Everyone looked at eachother then King Peter was the one to talk first. "When the rebellians attacked there was a big chaos in the palace. We managed to get Lucinda and Daniël to safety. Unfortunately Daniël died but he now is here with us thanks to someone that brought him back to life. He doesn't know yet who it was. But it has only been one year since he came back. No one was sure if it was really him at first. But you'll be learning about that later from Lucinda. After we got them to safety we started fighting. Many got injured but we managed to defeat them just.......when it was over Gabriël wasn't here anymore he got taken hostage by them. We decided to look see if every important family was safe that's when we arrived at your family house." He stops for a moment that's when Lord Cannan continues. "There were rebellians on the ground and the door was opened. As we entered we saw a lot of blood and your step brother Xabder holding a sword. At first we thought he killed the rebellians but then we saw your father as his feet.....dead. As he saw us he vanished quickly and we didn't get to stop him. Your mother was nit to far away still alive but she lost so much blood she died after saying your and your sister name. We quickly rushed to your rooms but neither of you were there" "We started a patrol search through the forest thinking you might have run away. We caught the scent of your blood near the portal to the human world but it was blocked so we couldn't go through. But your sisters scent came from the direction of the rebellians base." Said Patch. I was shaking staring at everyone then i quickly looked at Gabe. "Wait if you were taken by the rebellians then that menas Crystal is also out right? Right?" I look at him with hope but then i friwn feeling tears as he shakes his head* ×.Gabriëls P.O.V.× As i shook my head i knew that would break her apart. "It's true that i was taken by the rebellians but i didn't knew she was there too. After they caught me they started torturing me thinking i knew where the Prince and Princess were hidden but i didn't. However they didn't believed that. And they kep on torturing me. For the past years i have been training my body in that cold cell until one day i managed to escape. On my way out i could feel some familiar scent but i thought it was the one of Alera's since she tortured me the most." I finished talking looking at her seeing her face white and weak. "Alera? B.....But s....she's our friend? I.....i s....she was a sister to me and crystal" she said through tears. I couldn't hold myself back and stood up walking to her then got on my knees and wiped her tears "I know......but she isn't anymore. But now that we know for sure where your sister is we can save her. I promise you we will bring her back. You are the last survivors afterall." I smile softly trying to make her feel better. "Actually we have already tried ince to save her....but their barrier was so strong we couldn't get through" i heard my father say. "It was before you escaped we didn't knew you guys were kept in the same base. They have 3 different bases." He continued. ×.Miuna's P.O.V.× I look at Gabriël then at his father. Different bases? What are they trying to hide? "Is that the only time you tried? Just one time? How can one time be enough? If it didn't work the first time then you should have tried again and again!" I kinda snap "We wanted to try again but the Prince Daniël and also Gabriël returned. And we got to glad that we forgot our plans. But now that you are back nothing holds us back from trying again" Lord Cannan said. I nodded and we started making a plan for the next day of how we would save my sister. It was already dinner time when everyone went to their own houses and rooms. I remained behind with Lucinda,Daniël and Gabriël. "I think it's time to tell you what happened to me" i heard Daniël say as we were drinking some tea. "As we were brought to safety i remained with Lucinda but i could feel a rebellian followed us so i let Lucinda in hiding and got out from another side not to let them know she was there and attacked tgem from behind. Although I'm good at fight i wasn't able to win and got killed. I was to far away from the hiding place so they didn't find me. I think I've been dead for like 5 years but then one day i opened my eyes. I was in the same spot in that forest but i could feel a warm energy nearby however it was to weak so i couldn't track it. I found next to me a hair ornament of a girl but neither with this i couldn't find her. I recently went to a shop but all i could find out its that it probably belongs to the late Knight family that has passes away tausend years ago." He said with some sadness in his eyes....but i could see there was still a slight light of hope. "I'm sure you'll find her if you keep searching" i smiles faintly then we suddenly hear a glass breaking as someone jumps inside through the mirror. It all happened so fast but i could recognise the person....XANDER. Before i could realize it he was gone but Daniël shout brought me back to reality and i frowned seeing Lucinda next to me on the ground it was then that i felt the burning pain coming from my chest. Me and Lucinda were in a spot of blood. Gabriël and Daniël tried to keep us awake while calling for help but we both passed out. Kapitel 5: The resque ((part 1)) -------------------------------- ×.Miuna's P.O.V.× It's been 1 week since Xander attacked us. Me and Lucinda ended up badly injured and lost a pretty big amount kf blood. Since then both of us had 4 or more people to keep guard on us. Luckily i had Gabriël as well. Today we were gonna plan the rescue of my sister. And i will take part in it no matter what they say. Knock Knock Knock I look up. "Come in" i say and smile seeing Gabriël coming in. "Hey Miu. It's time to make the plan are you coming?" He asks and i nod standing up from my bed. I walk towards him as he helds the door open for me. "Thank you. And i hop it's clear that i am taking part in the rescue" i say looking straight at him . And that's when he makes a face i never thought I'd see. It was full of anger,pain,hatred and also concern. "Miuna you can't. It's too dangerous! What if something happens to you?!" He shouts half growling making me flinch and take a step back. Seeing that he looks away painful. "Sorry i snapped......I'm just worried. I don't wanna lose you another time." He says and with that i can feel tears. ×.Gabriël's P.O.V.× Why did i have to snap? But I was really worried. I didn't wanted to lose her again...i cared about her, a lot. I look up at her and blink as i see her eyes getting watery. "M...miu? W..why are you crying?" I ask not sure what i did. "Baka! Of course you won't lose me" she shouts-whisper as she slowly wipes her tears away. Not even thinking i pulled her to me and hugged her gently stroking her back. "Shhhh....I'm sorry." I quietly comfort her and after a short time she calms down. I take her hand then walk down to the others and show her her seat. After she sat down i sit across from her. ×.Miuna's P.O.V.× I sight and we start talking about the plan on how to rescue Crystal. Lord Cannan began talking as someone comes in. Patch was late....with Lucinda. "Luce,Patch what took you so long?" Daniël asks them as Lucinda sits next to him and Patch between Narian amd Gabriël. "Sorry, Luce was taking ages" Patch said with a faint chuckle winning him a glare from Lucinda. I giggle softly but our attention is caught again by Lord Cannan. "So....As i was saying. The best way is to lure them in a trap or worse use a bait. Using a bait is the best way but it's to dangerous amd i think everyone is against that right?" He says but before everyone can say something i stand up. "Lord Cannan the bait idea is good. And i shall be the bait. Afterall I'm sure they'd want the last survivor as well" i say and that wins me a glare from Gabriël. "Miu it's too dangerous" i hear Lucinda say. "Don't worry Luce....afterall it doesn't need to be the real me going there. I know thr perfect person that can help us. Someone i used to call little sister." "Now now i hope you ain't talking about me Miu Miu" a voice says as a bright light appears and a girl with white hair and gold eyes appears from inside the light. "Like they said is dangerous. But i can help. Let me present myself to those that don't know me I am Angel Heavenly goddes of light,love and life. And also an Angel." She says softly and makes a reverence. "How can you help?" Lord Cannan asks. I look at him smiling, this meant we could go along with the bait plan. Soon Angel starts to explain her plan and how she can use her powers and dove form to easily enter the rebellians hideout. After a short argue in the emd everyone agrees that i will be the bait just the way i wanted it. Gabriël wasn't happy about this amd after the meeting ended he just walked away without talking or looking at me. That hurt,a lot. "Go after him Miss Miuna. I'm sure he's just worried" Narian says to me and i nod but before giving him a glare for calling me Miss. I walk outside and into the garden until i see him. "Gabe......I'm really sorry okay? But Crystal is my sister and i can't just stay away while you are all going to rescue her. And i know you are afraid i might disappear again but i won't. It was fate that i came back my life is here with life is here with you." I say softly looking down feeling my cheeks turn red. The next thing that happened was so surprising it took me a few seconds to realise it. Gabriël had an arm around my waist and with the other he was holding my hand. His eyes were closed and it feel warm. He was kissing me and i wouldn't pull back even if it meant i would die if i didn't. Kapitel 6: The resque ((part2)) ------------------------------- ×.Miu's P.O.V.× The time finally came for us to make a move. I was still on for playing the bait but now we had an even better help. The help of a goddess. I'm glad she found me so fast....Angel i owe you something. "Once Lady Miuna is inside we need to wait for the scream. That will be our sign" Said Lord Cannan which maid Gabriël clench his fist. "Don't worry she won't feel the pain. I'll be inside the whole time as well" she smiled and turned to a dove. "But Miss Angel wouldn't they be wary of a white dove? It's not something common down in the catacombs" it was Jake that spoke this time. I could feel Angel get slightly angry. "Don't underestimate Angel. Just because she turned into a dove doesn't mean they need to see her." i smile at him. After a few more small discussions we moved out. The plan was that i was to walk lost near the catacombs with a small wound that let the smell of my blood flow in the air. And so we did. I had a small cut at my wrist as i was close to the catacombes their hideout. It didn't took long before the first one to apper. "My what do we have here. Hm you smell familiar. Oh that's right you must be Miuna Pryel" said the tall guys while his eyes were glowing red of hunger. He grinned glancing at my wound. "now now we should take care of that" he said and approached me slowly. I have no idea what happened afterwards he must have compulsed me. When i woke up i was laying on the cokd ground my knie burning. I softly looked at it and i frowned. I had bite marks on it. I didn't think too much about it and looked around. I could feel her energy so strongly. She must be near. "Looking for our sister are we?" i heard a kinda familiar voice and saw a pink haired girl approaching me. She must be around 18 or 20. "Oh my bad. You must not remember me anymore. That sure hurts. We used to play so oft with each other. Let me lighten u up. I'm Alera your guyses only witch friend." she said with a grin on her face. I remembered her, she was close to me and Crys....but it seems she betrayed her own friends. She changed the side and in a wrong way. I just growled at her quietly and with two taps against the ground I sended the signal to the others. ×.Gabriels P.O.V.× It was taking too long i was about to go over when we felt the signal. We instantly vanished inside the base with the help of Angel. For a little girl she sure is capable and powerful. I appeared somewhere near Miu. I could smell her...and her blood. But i could also smell someone i used to call friend,Alera. I walked carefully as i could feel all the horible memories coming back. But right now Miu and Crys are important. We are going to save Crystal and everything will end..... Or so i thought. TO BE CONTINUE... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (