Duo gets his chance von Oneesama ================================================================================ Prolog: The teaser ------------------ Title: Duo Gets His Chance Author: Onee-sama ^__^ Fandom: Gundam Wing (What else?!? I think I'm addicted... oh well *shrugs*) Betaed: Jan 19 2004 by Tenshi-Usa Pairing: 2x1...YAY! I can't believe it. My first lemon and it's 2x1 not 1x2... Warnings: Duo's POV, lime, LEMON!!, a self-insert (really just a little... guess who it is. If you're right I draw a picture (just GundamW!) for you with a scene you like... you just have to tell me and give me your e-mail address so I can tell ya if your right. I will post it on mediaminer.org then or sent it to you per e-mail if you want it for yourself) AN: Hi everyone, it's me again!! I can't believe it but this story will be my first real lemon... well, if you want me to write another chapter that is. This part is just something like a TEASER!!! Ok then, tell me if you want to read my FIRST lemon (I still can't believe it) Now go on and read... have fun! *** Duo gets his chance *** I was sitting in the living room of our current safe house watching TV. Wufei was on a mission and Trowa and Quatre had gone to the cinema this evening. They had asked me if I wanted to come with them, but I refused. I didn't want to stand between the young couple. Yeah you heard right, they are a couple and have been for three weeks now. And a sweet one... too sweet... much too sweet when you are lonely and all you see is them flirting around, kissing, cuddling, saying sweet words to each other... crap! Why can't I have what they have? Yeah, that would be great! But nooo... I had to fall for a cold, stoic, egoistic, suicidal, heartless idiot. Guess who I mean... Yeah, that's right! Hundred points for all of you who guessed Heero. Okay, he's good-looking, strong in body and mind; he never gives up, he can survive a self-destruction in his Gundam and falls from high buildings with just a few scratches and a broken bone afterwards! He's incredible, he's gorgeous... and he's HOT!! I never have seen such a perfect body. I saw him once walking out of the bathroom with just a towel around his hips, a few water drops still on his perfect skin... god, he was a wet dream come true and I was hard the instant my eyes fell on him! I was just glad he hadn't seen my hard on or my eyes in that moment. They would have showed him everything he needed to know and he would have had a reason to kill me. But I was lucky... well, more or less... he walked out of the room to his own for his clothes and I stormed into the bathroom, locked the door and turned the water on so that he couldn't hear me. With one hand in my pants and fantasies about what was under the towel in my head I brought myself to climax within a few minutes. But that was just the beginning. From that point my sexual frustration was steadily increasing from day to day. I had more and more fantasies about him. Nacked and willing. Every night I dreamed about him, screaming my name in ecstasy, pleading for more. I've spent more time in the bathroom than in any other room since then. I'm too afraid to tell him. I don't think he would let me get into his pants and wait with killing me until after a whole night of hot, steamy, passionate sex. Too sad, that would be a really nice way to go. Well, but I-...Hey! That's the sound of a motorcycle... hmm... Wu is on a mission, Tro and Quat took the car... that means... Heero's back! I stand up, run to the door and fling myself at Heero, who just opened it. "Welcome back Hee-chan!!" I hear him gasp and in the next moment I'm laying on the floor. "Ouch! That hurts..." I look up at him. He's staring back at me with an angry expression and he's breathing faster than normal. Now I'm getting worried. "Are you all right Hee-chan?" He was on a mission and just came back to the Preventers Headquarters a few hours ago (He's always going there first). Maybe he's hurt... "I'm fine. Let me alone!" And he just walked away from me in the direction of his room. What the hell is going on?!? I stand up, close the front door and sit down on the couch again. Why did he do that? Maybe he's really hurt and just doesn't want to talk about it... I'll go and ask him again. *The phone beeped* Huh? Who would call us at this time? I pick up the phone. "Hello?" "Hello, it's Sally Po." "Oh, hi Sal', what's the matter?" "It's about Heero. Can I talk with him?" "Uhm... I don't think it's a good idea to get near him right now. He's a bit pissed off. Is something wrong?" I think I sounded really worried. "Oh, don't worry! It's nothing serious, it's just... well, I don't know if I should tell you this..." "Come on Sal', I'm Heero's best friend... well, kinda. Please tell me!" "All right. You know that Heero came back to the HQ today to write his mission report and give them to Lady Une, right?" "Yeah, go on..." "Well... I had a guest today. She was a young girl from one of the Preventers' chemical labs. She was an assistant of one of the professors there and showed me a new weapon. The gun was loaded with some harmless chemicals to demonstrate the range the bullets can fly. The idea was to shoot at an animal, a dog to be specific, at a distance of hundred meters, but something went wrong. The safety of the weapon wasn't on and the girl accidentally fired the bullet and hit Heero with it..." (AN: Yeah sure... just an accident...) "...And what was in this bullet?" "... ..." "Sally?" "Ok, ok, I'll tell you. Actually that's the reason why I called. I wanted to tell Heero that there was an... well... an aphrodisiac in that bullet... I really don't know why they would use something like that for a test..." (AN: no clue... *innocent look*) "... ... ..." "Duo? Are you still there?" "...Yeah... ok Sal', I will tell him that..." "Duo, I don't like that sound in your voice. What are you going to do?" "Oh, nothing, I just thought that maybe I can help my good old buddy Heero to get rid of a bit of his body's tension..." "I see... well, good luck then. And Duo?" "What?" "I want the details afterwards! Bye!" *there was a click and a beeping sound in the phone* Hmm... wouldn't have guessed Sal' likes something like that... oh well, whatever. Now, let's see where Heero is. Looks like I will get some fun tonight! He's going to kill me tomorrow, but it's worth it. *** TBC??? Sooooooooo, whatcha think? want more? then review!!! and look at my drawings on MEDIAMINER.ORG (Pleeaasseee write a comment about them, pleeeaassseeee) All right then, cya! Onee-sama ^__^ Thanks to my beta reader Tenshi-Usa!!! ^_^ Kapitel 1: The fun beginns -------------------------- Title: Duo Gets His Chance Author: Onee-sama ^__^ Fandom: Gundam Wing (What else ?!? I think I'm addicted... oh well *shrugs*) Betaed: Jan 19 2004 by Tenshi-Usa Pairing: 2x1...YAY! I can't believe it. My first lemon and it's 2x1 not 1x2... Warnings: Duo's POV, lime, LEMON!! YAOI!!!!! Don't like, don't read! AN: hey everyone I'm back again! ... you know, I really could use a beta-reader for my stories... *wink wink* interested? then mail me, k? Well then, here's the next part... enjoy it and tell me what you think about it, will ya? Have fun *** Duo gets his chance Part 2 *** Heero is lying in his room face down on his bed with just his boxers on... YUMMY! "Hey Hee-chan, you ok?" He's turning his head and looking at me with one eye. I hear a muffled "Go away!" and his face is back in the pillows. I walk up to his bed. "You sure you can breath? I mean with your face lying on the pillow like that..." He doesn't even turn his head around this time. "I said, go away!" "But I don't want to." I sit down next to him on his bed and finally he looks up at me. My expression is perfectly neutral and he studies me, trying to find out what my intensions are. I touch him on his back and let my hand travel down his spine. His eyes widen before he lets his head fall back onto the pillow, moaning. GOD, I want to hear him moan again! "Duo, w-what are-ah! What are you doin'-nnh...?" At the end of his question my hand is on the back of his thigh, slowly traveling over the soft skin and caressing it. "I'm enjoying myself. Why don't you relax and enjoy it too?" My hand wanders between his thighs and I slide a few fingers under the fine material of his boxers. Another moan. I'm in heaven! "B-but, Duooo!" God, if I hear my name like this one more time, I'm going to lose it. I'm so hard it hurts. But I think Heero has the same problem... time to find out! I take my hand away and hear a sound of disappointment. I smile. "Turn around Heero..." He's looking at me again. His cheeks are red, his eyes are almost closed and he's panting. He's too sexy for his own good. "Turn around," I repeat. He looks at me for a few more seconds and finally turns around. He's blushing... cute!... AND sexy!! Didn't know you can be both at the same time... well... he can. I was right, he IS aroused. I lean over him and he seems a bit afraid... of course! He's afraid about my reaction because of his body's state. "Don't worry Hee-chan. Just relax and let me do all the work..." He's blushing again, but he nods. I smile at him and lean further down. Finally my lips are touching his, gently and softly at the beginning, but I deepen it when he starts to kiss back. He moans again and I use the opportunity to slide my tongue between his lips. One of my hands is behind his neck now, holding his head in place while I explore his mouth. Slowly and tentatively his tongue starts to move against my own. Another moan, but this time it came from me. He's so sweet... god I love him! I slide my free hand over his chest, caressing every curve and concentrating on his nipples. He breaks the kiss, moaning loudly, his head falling back, eyes tightly closed and lips slightly parted. Beautiful! I think I said that out aloud, because he's looking at me now through half-lidded eyes. I capture his lips again and this time I let him explore my mouth. God, he's so innocent... well... kinda. The way he's kissing, so sweet and shy at the beginning... maybe he never kissed before... YAY, I'm getting Heero's first kiss!!! I break the kiss to get some air and start to kiss my way down his chin line and down his neck where I stop between his shoulder and neck and suck at the soft flesh there. I bite down, drawing a gasp from him, then lick over it. I just HAD to make a mark on him! Kissing my way further down his body I close my mouth around one of his nipples, swirling my tongue around it and sucking on it. He arches into the caress. "Nnnnhh Duo... onegai..." Oh goodness, he's begging me! I think I've died and gone to heaven. I grin. Ignoring his pleas, I kiss my way to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment. He's moaning helplessly, slightly trembling and squirming under my ministrations. "Aah... please Duo... uhnn" It's time for a bit fun... well, I've actually been having a lot fun since I started this, but I mean fun as in teasing-fun. "Please what Hee-chan?" I completely stop to touch him and look in his eyes expectantly. He gives a sound of protest, but doesn't answer. "What is it that you want from me? I can't do it if I don't know what it is..." "..." He looks away... we are this far and now he's getting shy?! "It's-I-uhm..." "Yeah?" I lean over him again to understand what he's mumbling. My braid slides over my shoulder and lands on his torso. That got a gasp from him. Hmm... maybe that will bring him to tell me... I take the end of my braid and start to slide the soft tip along the lines of his muscled torso. More gasps and moans. "Well Heero, are you going to tell me what I should do?" "Uuhnn...t-" "Yeah?" "T-TOUCH ME, SUCK ME, FUCK ME! ANYTHING, BUT *DO IT*!!" Wow. That wasn't the reaction I expected, but WOW!! Oh well... enough with teasing my poor Hee-chan. Again I kiss him passionately and my hand wanders deeper until I feel the hem of his boxers. I slide my hand inside and start to slowly stroke his already hard member. He breaks the kiss, moaning loudly and panting for air. I follow the path of my hand with little kisses down his torso and feel his muscles trembling and quivering under my lips. His disappointed groans, moans of pleasure and incoherent shouts are music for my ears. "Nnnaah! Duo, please..." I know I'm torturing him a bit here. My hand moves too slowly to get him over the edge. But that has its' reason... I don't want him to cum in my hand... My lips are at the hem now, next to my hand. I look up at his face, withdraw my hand and with a fast movement and a shortly said 'may I', I pull his boxers all the way down and throw them on the floor. He's lying there in front of me in all his glory and I just HAVE to stare at him. Heero's cheeks are getting red again. He leans up on his elbows and says something in a low husky voice. "You're wearing too many clothes..." Huh? Did he just say he wants to see me naked? I grin at him, get rid of my shirt hurriedly and attack his lips again. He's kissing back fiercely and suddenly I feel his hand on the front of my jeans. The hand is sliding over the bulge there and moving up to the button, opening it. I moan into his mouth and feel a satisfied smirk on his lips while he slowly opens the zipper. GOD, who allowed him to do that?!? I will really lose it if he doesn't stop! I wanted this to last. I softly grip his hand to stop him. "Don't, or I will cum in my pants." "Well, baka, that was what I wanted to prevent..." I groan. Just the thought of what he wanted to do is almost too much. Why is he doing this?... I look at him and see his smirk again. Bastard! He wants to torture ME. This is his revenge, huh? Ok then, if he wants it, he will get it! Within a few seconds my jeans and boxers are gone somewhere to the floor and my lips are on his bellybutton. I start to kiss my way down again, but stop when I realize something. "I'll be back in a sec'. Don't go anywhere or start without me here, will ya?" And with that I jump out of the bed and run to my room. The reason? I forgot the lube... *** TBC!!! I know it's not normal to stop at a time like this, but well, what can I say? I'm no normal person, so I stop right here!! *insane evil laugh* You have to wait for the next chapter to get the rest of it... and while you wait... Tell me what you think of it so far, will ya? And tell me if you find some mistakes in my grammar or spelling or wherever the mistakes are... Ok then, see ya next time! bye Onee-sama ^__^ Thanks to my beta reader Tenshi-Usa!!! ^_^ Kapitel 2: it's not over yet ---------------------------- Title: Duo gets his chance Author: Onee-sama ^__^ Fandom: Gundam Wing (What else?!? I think I'm addicted... oh well *shrugs*) Betaed: Feb 20 2004 by Tenshi-Usa Pairing: 2x1...YAY! I can't believe it. My first lemon and it's 2x1 not 1x2... Warnings: Duo's POV, lime, LEMON!! YAOI!!!!! Don't like, don't read! AN: I'M SO SORRY!!! I'm sorry that you had to wait so long! I had so many other things on my mind and I couldn't concentrate on writing and I didn't want to ruin the story by just writing for the sake of the update... I hope you're not angry at me... Please tell me what you think about this! That's important for me! really!! Now, read and have fun!! *** Duo gets his chance Part 3 *** I come back into the room and he hasn't changed his position, but is looking at me with a curious expression. I smirk and hold the little bottle up. "I forgot the lube." "Oh... Duo I-" He's blushing again. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Crap! I was so close... "N-no, it's not that. I just... I mean I've never... you know... it's..." I can't believe it! Here I'm afraid that I ruined my chance and he just wants to tell me that it is his first time?!?... That means he's okay with this? I smile at him while I get back into the bed again. "Like I said Hee-chan... just relax and let me do all the work." He nods and I can see one of his really small smiles on his lips... He smiled... I lean over him and capture his lips, this time in a more sensual and slow kiss while I open the bottle and pour a small amount of the lube on my fingers. I push his legs apart, lay down between them and start to kiss my way down his body again. He's still looking at me and I stop just inches away of his manhood to look back at him. Never loosing eye contact, I lower my head and lick the tip of his arousal. He moans and his eyes close halfway. I grin before I close my lips around the tip and slowly take his member completely into my mouth. At the same time I slide my index finger into him. At first he's tensing and I move my mouth up and down his length to distract him. And it works. He's moaning and throws his head back, his body relaxing again. I move my finger slowly for a while, before I add another one and move my head faster while swirling my tongue around the tip and licking up and down his length. I start to make scissor like movements with my fingers to stretch him as completely as I can. I don't want to hurt him. His moans and whimpers are getting louder. "Duo... please..." I know he's close to release, so I stop the scissor movement and search for that special spot within him. He shouts and bucks into my mouth, climaxing. I swallow as much as I can and lick the rest that escaped my mouth from his still half erect member. Man, how strong is that stuff they shot him with?! I lick and kiss my way up his body until I find his lips, kissing him deeply and letting him taste himself in my mouth. I lift his legs over my shoulders, put a big amount of lubricant on my own member and position myself in front of his opening. Kissing him deeply, I slowly push forward, entering him inch by delicious inch and don't stop until I'm fully inside. A tear slides down his cheek and I kiss it away and stay perfectly still to let him adjust to the feeling of being filled like this. "Shh... it won't hurt for long. I promise." He nods. "Move." "But-" "Duo... just move... please!" I answer with a nod and slide almost completely out of him and slowly push back in again. And GOD does it feel good! He's so tight. I repeat the movement and suddenly he groans loudly and arches his back. Immediately I stop moving, afraid that I hurt him. "NO! Don't stop, please. Do it again!" I smile, relieved. "Liked that, huh?" He doesn't answer and just nods. I smirk down at him, while I slowly move out again and push back in a bit stronger this time. We both moan loudly and he throws his head back once more. I hold the pace like this for a while and just bath in the sound of our mixed moans and fast breathing. I never want this to stop. "Nnnn... Duo... aah, faster." My Hee-chan... always so demanding... "As you... wish." I increase my speed and he starts to move his hips to meet with my thrusts. I get deeper into him and groan. I can't take much more of this before I cum. So I do the best thing I can think of in the moment. I grab his member and start pumping it in the rhythm of our thrusts. He gasps in surprise at the sudden increase of stimuli. "Duooo... I'm nnnghaahh..." He nearly screams and goes over the edge, spurting his seed all over my hand and our stomachs. His muscles clamp down on me and after a few more thrusts I cum into him violently. I sink down on him and we lie like this for what seems like an eternity. "Nnn... you're heavy..." With my last strength I lift myself off of him and fall down on the mattress next to Heero. His eyes are closed and his breath is slowly evening out. I snuggle up to him, lay my head on his shoulder. Now I just grab the blanket, pull it over us as good as possible, lay my arm on his stomach and close my eyes contently. I'm too tired to move any more. I just have to wake up earlier than Heero to get out of his room alive. "G'night Heero..." "Hnn..." *** "I wonder why Duo didn't come along... It was a nice movie." Quatre and Trowa walked into the house, still holding hands like the sweet couple they are. It was late at night and they just came back from their little date. "I don't know, but you can ask him. I'm sure he had his reasons." They stopped in the doorway to the livingroom, wondering why all lights were on and nobody was in sight. "Duo? DUUOO? Strange... it isn't like him to let all the light's and the TV on without being around somewhere... I'm going to look for him in his room." Trowa nodded and walked into the kitchen. "I look in the bathrooms and the kitchen." Quatre walked along the hall, but suddenly stopped in his tracks. "I haven't fou-.. Quatre? What's wrong? I thought you wanted to-" "Shh." Quatre stood in front of Heero's room and stared through the open doorway. Trowa walked up to him and looked in the direction Quatre stared in. "What the-" "Shh! Be quiet. You don't want to wake them up, do you?" Trowa just shook his head still looking at the two sleeping figures on Heero's bed. The light in the room was still on, but the two on the bed didn't seem to mind. Quarte had a small smile on his lips. He turned off the light and silently closed the door. "C'mon Trowa. Let's turn off all the lights and go to sleep." *** TBC... YAY! One more chapter to go! The next one will be the last... will it be a happy end? Or will Heero kill Duo? ...you have to wait for the next chapter to find out! Oh, and while you wait... PLEASE REVIEW!!! Now that you have the rest of the lemon... how was it??? I really need to know, 'cause that will decide if there's a next one or not... and my next lemon maybe will be a 1x2x5... what do you think about it? Tell me everything!!!! Ja ne! Onee-sama ^__^ Thanks to my beta reader Tenshi-Usa!!! ^_^ Kapitel 3: The next morning --------------------------- Title: Duo gets his chance Author: Onee-sama ^__^ Fandom: Gundam Wing (What else?!? I think I'm addicted... oh well *shrugs*) Betaed: not yet Pairing: 2x1...YAY! I can't believe it. My first lemon and it's 2x1 not 1x2... Warnings: a bit lime in the end... nothing else ^_^ AN: it's finally finished!! Man, that really took long... dunno why... hope you enjoy this This is the last chapter!!! Review please?!? *** Duo gets his chance Part 4 *** // Mmmm... I think I never had a nicer sleep than tonight... man, what a dream... it was so real... I still feel his skin under my fingertips and hear his heartbeat... one moment. His heartbeat? // Duo slowly opened his eyes and gasped. // Oh my god ohmygod ohmygod it wasn't a dream! Oh my GOD and I'm still lying in his bed with my head on his chest!! Oh god, I'm SO dead when he wakes up... I have to get outa here... maybe then I can live long enough to appologise... or at least say the others goodbye... // Slowly, oh so slowly, Duo got up and moved out of the bed. Just as he put his hand on the doorhandle Heero's alarm clock went on. // Oh shit!! I know why I hate alarm clocks so much! // "Nnn... Duo? Wha-" "Morning Heero! Man, it's time to get ready for work! Bye!!" Duo didn't wait for a response and dashed out of the room, meeting a tired looking Wufei - who just came back from his latest mission - on the way to his room. Wufei stared after him in disbelief. // Maxwell... running out of Yuy's room... early in the morning and... NACKED?!? What the hell is going on? // Wufei still stared at the now closed door to Duo's room. After a few seconds he shook his head and went to his own room. "Don't think about it Chang... just pretend it never happened... I really need some sleep." *** Fife minutes later, Duo came out of his room, completely clothed and with his hair braided, running through the hall in the direction of the front door. "Duo, your breakfast is-" "Not hungry! Gotta go, bye!" Quatre looked surprised at the empty doorway to the kitchen. Duo should have stood there, asking for his food... he never went out of the house without breakfast... "Duo, wait!" Heero's shout just met the frontdoor. Duo was already gone. Heero stood in his doorway, staring at the place where Duo was just seconds ago for a few moments before Quatre brought him back to the present. "Heero? Is something wrong? Had you two fight or something?" Heero shook his head, walked into the kitchen, got himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. Lost in thought. Trowa and Quatre exchanged worried looks, but didn't ask Heero about it. He seemed troubled enough. *** Twenty minutes later Duo arrived at the Preventers Headquarter. // Well, I guess I'm save here. Heero sure won't kill me while he's surrounded by preventer agents... Man, I'm almost an hour early... Oh well, can't change anything about it... maybe I can get something to eat in the canteen. // He walked into the building, greeted the security guys and the woman who sat behind the counter in the lobby and stared at Duo in surprise. // Oh come on! I'm just a bit early... Ok, I'm really early, 'cause normally I'm one of the last agents to arrive just in time for work to start. So an hour is a bit much. // He walked through the second door into the hall, that lead to the elevators. In the moment he arrived in front of them, the door slid open and Duo found himself face to face with a grinning Sally. A shiver wnt down his spine from the gleam he saw in her eyes as she looked down at him. "Uhm... Hi Sal'." Her grin widened. "Hi Duo. Well... isn't there something you want to tell me?" "Uhm... No?" "Don't even try to avoid this... how far did you get with him?" "With whom?" Duo spun around to face the person who spoke up behind him and his face paled. // Not her... not the biggest gossip queen of L2... // "Hilde?!? What the hell are you doing here? Why are you on earth and why are you in the Headquarter?" "Nice to see you too Duo... now, what was Sally talking about?" // Uh oh... if she finds out, then the whole world and all the colonies will know about it in lessthan a month! // "Hello Hilde. Finally accepted Lady Une's offer?" "Yeah, I want to try it out. I will be here for a few months to see how it is to work as a preventer... I still don't know what you were talking about? What was with whom?" "Duo just wanted to tell me about all the 'fun' he had with Heero last night..." She turned back to Duo. "Well Duo? How far did you get? Can I cogratulate you?" "Uhm..." // I have to do something. Need. An. Escape... there! the staircase. // "Bye!" Duo ran like hell towards the stairs. "Hey, wait!" Hilde dashed after him. Sally just sighed and walked towards the main entrance. // Guess this has to wait till later... // *** Duo ran all the way up to the fifth floor, where his own little office was, Hilde still on his heels. As he ran along the halls, past all the desks and offices she started to shout after him. "Come on Duo! What happened between you and Heero? I want all the juicy details! Stop running, you can't escape me!!" That didn't stop Duo, but soon there were a few of the female agents and secretaries following them around. "Man, this day just can't get any worse..." *** At the same time, the rest of the team left the house on their way to work. Normally Heero always drove with Duo to work, but this time Trowa and Quatre took him along. they always drove with two cars and Wufei used his bike most of the time. After all, you could never know if somebody has to work longer. Heero remained silent during their drive. *** // Aren't they going to get tired of this? they chased me around for almost half an hour and it doesn't look like Hilde will stop any time soon... // Duo was still running away from Hilde and the two remaining agents who still followed them. He tried to hide somewhere a few times, but Hilde found him every time... like a six sense or a Duo-Radar or something like that. He ran around the next corner and suddenly a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him into a room, closing the door after them. Duo didn't even hear the noises of the girls that ran past the room, as he found himself with his back against the door and staring into Heero's eyes. Heero had his hands on either side of Duo's head and stared back at him. "Hello Duo." // When did he come to work? Shit, we are alone. Oh god, now he's going to kill me...// "Hi Heero. Please don't kill me? Listen, I'm sorry that I took advantage of your condition, I know that was wrong. I really am sorry if you regret it... I promise it won't happen again and-" "Do 'you' regret it?" // Do I regret it? REGRET IT? Hell no!! But... if I tell him the truth he's surly going to kill me... maybe I should... // "No. I don't regret it." // Goodbye world // "Good." // Huh? // That was all what his brain could mutter, as he found Heero's lips on his own and a body flush against himself. // I'm in heaven. // He felt the tip of a tongue against his lips and opened them readily, letting it into his mouth. The intruder caressed his own tongue and he started to kiss back passionately, beginning a heated battle for dominance in the kiss.They just broke apart as the need for air got too strong and they panted slightly, staring into each others eyes. Suddenly, Heero smirked. "You know, we till have half an hour before work officially starts... and this time you don't have to run off in the middle." He helt a small tube up to Duo's face. Lubricant. Duo looked at the lube, then at Heero's face. "I love you." Heero's eyes softened and he smiled at Duo lovingly. "I love you too, Duo." They kissed again and then Heero started to kiss down his jawline and along his neck. "B-but Hee-nn... Hee-chan, this is not one of our offices. What if the owner comes back?" Heero didn't stop and answered between nipps and licks, while he stared to unbutten Duo's shirt. "He wont. He doesn't.. have to.. work.. today... it's Wufei's new office..." "Heh... I don't think he will be h-happy about thissss." "No, he won't." "We shouln't-" "Duo, shut up." Heero kissed him again. More passionate. That broke Duo's last resistance and he surrendered to Heero's sweet ministratiopns. Starting to rid Heero of his clothes too... *** OWARI wel, how was it? Any comments? flames? critism? Just write a review and tell me!! Ja ne! Onee-sama ^__^ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)