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Deku escapes, but then something positive happens. Komplett anzeigen


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Arc 2: A Little Bit Of Hope

The weeks passed, and training the feral alphas was a very slow process. Although Midnight eventually gave Hound Dog the commando, she was still there to put the boys to sleep if necessary.

Midnight was surprised that they listened to Hound Dog so well. Maybe he had a different kind of authority? Or perhaps it was his doglike appearance? She was, however, glad that it was working. After another week, they could be released from their restraints. Hound Dog managed to train them not to instantly attack other people.

It went relatively well when Ryo was around to stop them. Otherwise, it turned into a disaster. Other alphas were critical, but betas were fine. Omegas were not good either. Their basic instincts would get triggered. Izuku even attacked Aizawa while testing them, even though the teacher was already mated.

The class was always happy to hear positive things about their friends. Katsuki hoped they would overcome this fast. However, it was still too slow for him.



Hawks had talked to the teachers that one of his friend’s alpha friends was bitten as well and that he regained more of himself in about three months. This gave the teachers hope.

Hawks also told them about Loup-Garou. He was a Frenchman, and his real name was Françoise Deneuve. He was a high-ranking politician. But much like All Might, his quirk was unknown to the public, especially to foreign countries.

But Yuga perked up when Hawks talked about him. “Well, Loup-Garou means Werewolf in French,” he said. “So maybe his quirk is related to that?”

“Oh, I see. Well, that makes sense. Thank you, shiny boy,” Hawks gave him a thumbs-up.

He had seen dog- or wolf-like quirks for sure, but a literal werewolf? If that was the case, he wondered how this quirk would work.

Endeavor immediately ordered his sidekicks to look into France and its underworld system. There must be something to work with.



Katsuki started to train even harder to get his mind off the whole situation. He wanted to be really strong; he didn’t want something like this to ever happen again!

Inko was here every second day. She refused not to see Izuku, even though it was still dangerous. Mitsuki visited alongside her from time to time, much to Katsuki’s dismay.

They were about two months into the training when Inko was allowed to visit her son again; Mitsuki was with her for support. Of course, she could always see him through the glass, but she wasn’t allowed anywhere near him. But the last few days, he didn’t seem to care that Aizawa was in the room. So maybe that was a good sign.

Inko was nervous because she still hadn’t forgotten the alpha command. But this was her son! So she would do anything that was necessary to get him back. She walked into the room with Hound Dog at her side. Izuku was sitting on a cot. He wore a plain white shirt and sweatpants now.

Cleaning them up was always a struggle. They would usually attack everyone who tried to touch them. But yesterday was a good day, and they went to the showers without much fuss.

Izuku looked up when they came in. He didn’t even snarl this time. Carefully, Inko got closer; she didn’t want to upset him. “Hello, my sweet boy,” she started nervously.

The boy tilted his head. “Mom? What are you doing here?” Izuku asked, confused.

“I wanted to visit you. You’re my son, after all.” She moved closer.

“You might wanna stay away,” he suggested. “Who knows if I snap?” A grin appeared on his face. A sharp-toothed grin. His teeth were still fangs, resembling now Eijiro’s teeth.

“Don’t say that! I know that you won’t hurt me! I am your mother!” She smiled at him.

Izuku scoffed. “Guess that’s right. There’s not really a point in attacking you anyway. I’m not interested in blood-related omegas,” he said casually.

“W-what do you mean?” Inko’s stomach twisted when he said that.

“You’re not mating material. This would be so yikes. I still could rip Kirishima’s head off for trying to claim my omega!” Izuku got mad, and it showed in his scent.

“Y-your omega?” Inko wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear that any further.

“Kacchan! He’s strong. He’ll be a perfect mate. Together we make strong pups.” Inko shivered. Izuku’s gaze and smile turned malicious from one second to the other. He was serious about that. “But Kirishima knows that too. He already tried to claim the omega. But I can’t let that happen.”

“Stop! Stop talking like that!” Inko was shocked.

“That’s right, boy, Katsuki is not a thing you can possess!” Hound Dog growled.

The door opened suddenly, and Mitsuki was in the room. She aggressively growled. Aizawa was behind her, trying to stop her rage. Unfortunately, he didn’t close the door behind him …

“Shut up, Izuku! I know this is the quirk talking, but I will not allow such bullshit talk about my son!” She roared, and a pungent stench came off of her.

Izuku growled at her. He leaned forward and got ready to jump. “I will rip you open mid-air if I hear that you forcefully mated him or did worse things.” Mitsuki was now directly in Izuku’s face.

The student jumped and pounced at Mitsuki. He tackled her to the ground. His teeth got sharper, but instead of biting Mitsuki, he jumped out of Hound Dog’s way. He grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him across the room. He then jumped at Aizawa. The teacher could see the bloodlust in Izuku’s eyes.

Izuku pressed Aizawa against the wall. He grabbed the capture weapon and used it to hold Aizawa tighter. The teacher, however, used his legs and kicked Izuku in the stomach. The alpha yelped and stumbled back.

Hound Dog grabbed Izuku, and his claws dug deep into the skin of the feral alpha. Izuku did a roll forward, and he pulled Hound Dog with him. He landed purposefully on the back or, more precisely, on Hound Dog. The teacher roared and was stunned for a few seconds.

This was enough for Izuku, who bolted out of the open door. He growled at Midnight, who came running in, and holding his breath, he jumped in Full Cowl at her. He attacked her head and instantly knocked her unconscious.

He needed to find Katsuki! He wanted his omega before someone else took him! He didn’t exactly know how to get out here, but he just went the way, Midnight’s scent was coming from. It took him a few minutes; he shot threw the hallways in Full Cowl. He knew he had to get out of there; the teachers were behind him.

Izuku managed to find his way out, and he jumped over two teachers who came rushing his way; he didn’t have the time to fight them. He opened one last door, and he was out. He sniffed fresh air for the first time in months!

A wide grin spread over his face. He needed to find Katsuki now! He would make him his! He started running – still in Full Cowl. Finally, he made it back to the campus, it was the end of classes, and most of the students were heading back to their dorms. They looked confused in Izuku’s direction. Except for Classes A and B, no one knew about the incident with the four feral students.

Some girls screamed as Izuku landed in between them. His eyes were wide. “I’ll get you later, omegas,” he growled at them; they looked absolutely terrified.

Izuku jumped away and got closer to the dorm. He could already smell Katsuki. He would recognize his scent everywhere.

He landed in front of his class; the others were shocked. “Found you!” He smiled maliciously. “You’ll finally be mine, Kacchan!” he snarled.

“Oh no! What happened?” Tenya was immediately in front of Katsuki, Mezo, and Rikido too. Izuku’s fangs grew bigger.

“Stay put!” He snarled. The three alphas felt enormous pressure. An alpha command! Not this again!

Izuku suddenly got swept off his feet. Jurota Shishida had tackled him. “Not you again!” He growled. Tetsutetsu was charging in too.

“You shouldn’t be here!” He knocked Izuku down again.

“You fucking, stupid morons. Don’t get in my way! I will get my omega!” He roared. He smash-kicked Tetsutetsu and Jurota off of him. He then activated Blackwhip and wrapped the tendrils around Tenya, Mezo, and Rikido.

Izuku jumped and pulled them up with him. Then, he spun in the air and used Blackwhip like a catapult. He let go of them mid-air, and they flew through the sky. Hanta and Ochako were immediately after them to catch them.

“Dammit fucking Deku!” Katsuki snarled, and he lifted his hands.

“You’re mine! My omega!” Izuku came closer to Katsuki, and he smiled widely again. “I’ll make you mine now!”

“Pah, you won’t! I am not your fucking possession!” Katsuki was pissed, and he fired an explosion in Deku’s direction. Denki was at his side and fired a shockwave, too.

This whole ordeal caught the attention of multiple people. The other students were terrified of what was happening.

Izuku jumped forward and knocked Denki to the ground. After that, he wrestled with Katsuki. Izuku’s nails dug into Katsuki’s shoulders while the omega grabbed the alpha’s face. He fired off explosions, but this didn’t seem to faze the feral alpha.

He had to keep him away from his neck, he wore a collar, but this could be ripped off easily. He rammed a hand into Izuku’s mouth and exploded it again. A beastly screech came off of him. Izuku was in between Katsuki’s legs, which was not a good position to be in for Katsuki. Katsuki tried to get free from under him. He managed to get his legs closer to his body and started kicking Izuku.

“Fucking bitch! Be a good little omega and stay still!” Katsuki froze at Izuku’s command. Izuku pulled Katsuki closer and ripped his head to the side to expose Katsuki’s neck. The alpha tried to tear the collar apart.

But octopus tentacles appeared and blocked his mouth. They wrapped around his neck and torso and pulled him away from Katsuki. The blonde woke up again and crawled back.

Tamaki, Mirio, and Neijire appeared with Aizawa and Present Mic. Aizawa used his capture weapon to subdue Izuku. Inko and Mitsuki, as well as Hound Dog and Midnight, followed after them. Inko was a crying mess. Mitsuki looked shocked, too.

She immediately made her way over to Katsuki, who was still sitting on the ground. He glared at Izuku.

Izuku wiggled in the bindings like a fish on land. He howled in frustration. But then it stopped.

“Mr. D-Deku?” He heard a soft and scared voice. Everything stopped for a moment.

Deku stilled and looked over at Eri. His eyes widened. “Pup …” he murmured. Eri had tears in her eyes.

“W-what’s wrong with you, Mr. Deku?” she sniffled.

“No, Eri! Stay away. This is dangerous!” Mirio ran towards her and lifted her up. Deku was still on the ground looking at the little girl. His teeth shrank, and his posture softened. He surrendered the fight. He was on his knees and held his head low as if he didn’t want to scare Eri more.

Aizawa took the chance to bind him even harder. He then pulled him up to his feet and guided him back to the facility. The teachers followed to ensure he was under control, but there was no fight left in him.

Mitsuki was still at Katsuki’s side. She patted through his hair a few times. His heart was beating fast. So Deku was really after him? He had gripped his mother’s arm for comfort.



They brought Izuku back to his cell and locked him up against the wall again. He didn’t resist this time. “Damn, this was a mess …”

“It was … but have you seen his reaction toward Eri?” Aizawa asked Present Mic.

“He immediately stopped when she appeared …” Mic mumbled.

“Hm, does that mean … they react to pups?” Aizawa looked at his mate.

“I don’t know. But wouldn’t it be dangerous to let her to him?”

“What if we introduce them slowly?”

“Could be an idea … but it is really up to you.” Mic seemed concerned for the well-being of the little pup.

“I have to think about that,” Shota mumbled. Then, after they restrained Izuku, the two left the room.

Shota had to consider if it was okay for Eri to be anywhere close to Izuku and the others. The idea of her being in danger scared him, but they needed to do something to help the four students.



A couple of days passed, and the school had to do a lot of explaining. So many people were scared of Izuku now. It was a mess.

The A-Class was still in shock; Ochako and Mina didn’t leave Katsuki’s side. But he was more angry than scared this time. How could this stupid fucking Deku think he could claim Katsuki as his own?


One evening, Shota, Hizashi, and Eri sat in their living room. Eri watched a movie while Hizashi and Shota quietly discussed what to do. Ever since the meeting with Deku, Eri was quiet, as if she was always thinking about something.

“Say, dad, can I see Mr. Deku again?” She suddenly mumbled. Shota and Hizashi looked toward her.

“Well, we are actually discussing this right now,” Shota mumbled.

Eri looked over at them. “He looked so different when I saw him … and he was attacking his friends, right? Something bad happened to Mr. Deku, right?” She had teary eyes.

“Yes … and this is the problem. We don’t want to bring you in danger, but you seem to have a positive influence on Deku,” Shota explained.

“So, can I see him? I want to help him as he helped me!” Her eyes were pleading.

Shota looked from her to his husband. Hizashi nodded. “Okay, we’ll go and see Deku tomorrow. We’ll see how he reacts, okay?”

“Yay! I am so happy! I hope I can help him!” She smiled and jumped at Aizawa. He lifted her up and sat her on his lap.

“Yeah, let’s hope that.”



The next day came way too early for Shota. He wasn’t really prepared to let Eri into the wolf’s den. But Eri was very excited even though Shota told her multiple times that he might not react to her or let her help him.

They had unchained Izuku so that she wouldn’t get scared. He was back on the cot. He was lying on the back; hands crossed behind his head. Izuku was rather bored. He knew that he had done something bad. There were moments of clarity in his foggy mind. Moments when the unleashed beast inside of him was resting.

He heard that someone was in front of his door. Hound Dog entered seconds later. “Stay put,” he commanded. Izuku lifted himself up and supported himself with his elbows.

“What a pleasure,” he mumbled. “What is it this time? Punishment for what happened?”

“No, we have a visitor for you,” Ryo grumbled.

“Oh? Since the last time went so successful …” Izuku stopped when he heard little steps, and seconds later, Eri was in the room. “Eri?”

“Hello, Mr. Deku”, she said shyly. Aizawa was behind her, looking at Izuku with a stern look. Izuku knew he would get punished if he did something to the little girl.

Izuku sat up on the cot and leaned forward. “Hey, pup, what are you doing here?”

There was no sign of aggressiveness, even though Aizawa was in the room.

The little girl carefully got closer to Izuku. “I wanted to visit you. I miss you, Mr. Deku!”

“I miss you too, pup!” Carefully he slid off the cot and sat cross-legged on the floor. With a little distance, Eri sat down too. She had a bag with her and brought out some paper and pencils.

“Do you want to draw with me?” she asked.

“Yes, I would love that!” Izuku smiled excitedly. Eri handed him a piece of paper and a pencil. They sat across from each other and started to draw. Aizawa looked over to Inui. Was this really going to work? Or was it because Izuku was calm now? They would test it later on Hitoshi, Eijiro, and Shoto too.



After about an hour, Shota announced that it was time to go. “Awww, I don’t wanna,” Eri exclaimed.

“It’s better you go, pup. Who knows when the beast wakes up ...” Izuku mumbled the last part more to himself. They said their goodbyes, and Eri promised to visit him soon.

After that, they went to Hitoshi. He looked slightly confused, but his eyes got softer when he looked at Eri. He showed no sign of aggressiveness.

The same was for Shoto. He would not really interact with Eri, but there was a warm gaze and a small smile, no aggressiveness whatsoever.

Eijiro, on the other hand, was super excited to see Eri. He didn’t interact with her that much, unlike Izuku, but he was still so happy to see her. He was crouching in front of her and excitedly drew some pictures with her. He asked her a few things. He seemed to be his old cheery self again.

Eri was thrilled that everything went so well. She was allowed to visit Deku again whenever she wanted, as long as one of the teachers was with her.

Aizawa and Hound Dog looked at each other. “Why is it that they react so positively to Eri?” Aizawa asked.

“Hm, maybe because she is a pup? She hasn’t presented. She is no mating material, and she needs protection!” Ryo growled a little. “Alphas would always protect the pups. Maybe Izuku and Eijiro reacted stronger towards her because they have a history?”

“That’s a possibility. And it’s a little bit of hope that we can fix them,” Aizawa mumbled. He was glad that the day went so smoothly.

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