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Daisuke Asakura



Name: Daisuke Asakura
Spitznamen: Dai-chan, DA (Dee-Ey in Japan, oder Dah in America!)
Geburtsdatum: 4.November 1967
Geburtsort: Asakusa, Tokyo
Blutgruppe: A
Größe: 1,67 m
Gewicht: 50kg
Haarfarbe: blond (gebleicht)
Zubehör: Blaue Kontaktlinsen, beide Ohren gepierct

Über Daisuke Asakura

Familie: Einstein (Annie-chan) & Alex (golden retriever dogs), little sister Interests: Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney, dogs, Tetsuya Komuro (his 'teacher') Daisuke Asakura was born in the ancient city of Asakusa Japan, destined to be a true Tokyoite. He was raised around and learning the family buisness - plumbing! Or if you don't like thinking about DA bent over a toilet with a wrench, which is how he spent his childhood, just say he was a 'waterwork engineer'. He was sent to Kuramae Technical Highschool to become a master plumber, and graduated. At age 10 he was learning to play the Electorne, an electric organ made by Yamaha. When he was 16 he discovered synthesizer, and learned to manipulate one as though it was an extension of his body. If you've seen him play, you know this is true.

He worked designing keyboard computer systems for Yamaha when he finished HS, and was found by Tetsuya Komuro of TM Network there. He worked with TM Network for a few years before starting his own solo career - during which he met Hiroyuki Takami and gained real fame for them both in Access. Access went from 1992 until 1995, when it went "silent". DA did more solo work and started production also - finding Takanori Nishikawa and helping to begin T.M.Revolution at this time. Iceman was formed with Kenichi Ito and Michihiro Kuroda in 1996 and lasted until 2000, when it also went "silent" when Kuroda left the group. Daisuke openly said he didn't care who became singer, he would not end Iceman. I guess we're still waiting for that promise to be kept. It was this time he was also active in Mad Soldiers and producing such bands as TMR-e and The Seeker.

Access began activity again in 2001, starting with a web press conference that had so many people eager to watch that the server crashed and burned. By late 2004 DA has now been left with only his solo work such as Quantum Mechanics Rainbow and Access. Oh, and is he gay? That's asked a lot. The answer is nobody knows. Sorry - Now have a DAriffic day!

Ich übersetze es euch nochmal ins Deutsche keine panik KoshiTouya

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