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Dream Lover

Song: Bobby Darin/Kevin Spacey – Dream Lover


Dream Lover

Jared knew Jensen was grumpy in the mornings.

He’d known ever since the first week of them shooting together, when Jensen had nearly knocked him out with the door of the car that had driven them to set, because he hadn’t noticed Jared wanting to get out on the same side as he had due to the remarkably large puddle on Jared’s side of the car.

Jared had grown accustomed to Jensen’s growly morning voice, and his rather bitchy replies to everything that was said to him until he’d had his third cup of coffee.

Jared had even gone so far and told Chad of all people how adorably grumpy Jensen was in the mornings, and when Jensen had moved in with him, Chad had dared him to go inside Jensen’s room early on a Sunday morning, jump on top of him and shake him awake, shouting the battle slogan of the Dallas Cowboys.

But Jared’s life was very dear to him, thus he had resolutely refused to do so, and Chad had called him a chicken and talked about how awesome he was … or something like that, Jared hadn’t paid much attention to him.

So, Jared found grumpy Jensen adorable, even though he had no idea of the real reason why Jensen was so adorably grumpy.

Now, the thing was that Jensen was a dreamer.

Not the nose in the air walk against a wall kind of dreamer, but the kind with unbelievably vivid dreams. And there was absolutely nothing he detested more than being disrupted in the middle of one of those amazing dreams by the exasperating noise his alarm clock produced.

Every night I hope and pray

A dream lover will come my way

A girl to hold in my arms

And know the magic of her charms

Because I want a girl to call my own

In between takes Jensen would sometimes retreat to his trailer, curl himself together like an overgrown cat and try to catch on to the dream he’d been disturbed from in the morning.

That was at least what he’d been doing before signing Supernatural and getting a co-star like Jared, who never seemed to sleep, who didn’t need any rest ever, and mistakenly concluded that went for everybody else as well.

Now Jensen never got his naps between takes, but he didn’t mind so much, because he liked Jared and his doofus grin, and his dimples, and the way he would whine like a five-year old if Jensen denied him his attention.

But Jared still deprived him of the sleep in between takes he’d been so very fond of, and no matter how much Jensen liked him, he would still be grumpy in the mornings, his hazy mind clinging desperately to the pictures of his latest dream.

I want a dream lover so I don’t have to dream alone

Jensen usually remembered his dreams. Most of them were about every day things – the show, his friends, his family, Jared and his stupid dogs – but sometimes Jensen would dream about someone special.

He wasn’t sure who this special someone was – he hadn’t met her yet – but those dreams were the most amazing of all, he felt all warm and safe and just good dreaming them, and when he woke up he wouldn’t be grumpy at all, he would be refreshed, and happy, and ready to greet the day with one of his more blinding smiles.

Dream lover where are you?

With a love o so true

And a hand that I can hold

To feel you near as I grow old

Because I want a girl to call my own

Jensen hadn’t yet told anyone about those dreams – it was nobody’s business after all – and although he was everything but the superstitious kind of guy, he had the odd feeling that he would know immediately when he finally met the girl of his dreams.

Lately those dreams had been filled with Brown, Green, and Gold, with strands of soft looking brown hair he was desperate to touch – and these details had been new, but the amazing feeling attached to the dreams had been the same as ever, and Jensen was dreaming that dream increasingly often.

He didn’t know if it was the new bed – the one Jared had made him buy after he’d indulged Jensen sleeping on an air mattress for the first few weeks under his roof – or just the change of sleeping in a new environment, but Jensen felt the impact of those dreams on his general behaviour, and was pretty happy with it.

I want a dream lover so I don’t have to dream alone

He found it secretly hilarious how Jared would look at him the mornings after those dreams – expecting him to be grumpy and ill tempered, and being completely thrown out of his balance when Jensen would smile at him and wish him a good morning.

He had absolutely no idea that his happy good-morning self was driving Jared increasingly nuts. Jared wanted his grumpy Jen back, the one with pillow creases all over his face when he showed up in the kitchen in the morning, stumbling to his coffee resources with half open, heavy lidded eyes.

There was absolutely no question about how adorable Jensen was being awake and brimming with happiness in the mornings, but he had something peculiarly lovable about him toddling around half asleep – like Jared would get away with forcing him into his arms and cuddling him senseless even though he was a fully grown, very manly man from Texas.

Someday, I don’t know how, I hope that she’ll hear my plead

Someway, I don’t know how, she’ll bring her love to me

So, one Sunday morning, Jared did the unthinkable.

He armed himself with Jensen’s favourite mug – the dark green one with two joined hearts at the front, one pink and one white. Jared had given it to Jensen last Valentines Day because he secretly loved it when Jensen would get all flustered and agitated and smacked his butt … and … err … yes – he armed himself with said mug and a can of the strong coffee Jensen liked, and marched off to Jensen’s room.

He hushed Harley and Sadie, forbid them to follow him in – Jared loved his dogs and even if they would have been perfect allies for his evil genius plan, he didn’t want them to get traumatized.

And Jensen would kill him if he’d make him scare the babies. After all, Jensen loved them as much as Jared did.

Dream lover, until then

I go to sleep and dream again

That’s the only thing to do

Till all my lover’s dreams come true

Because I want a girl to call my own

Jensen was fast asleep when Jared put mug and can down on his bedside table. There was a content little smile dancing across his lips, and Jared almost forgot his evil plan and let him be.

Seeing Jensen so utterly at peace induced a strange feeling of delight in Jared, and he sat gingerly down on the bed, unsure what to do next. For a few minutes he just stared at Jensen’s sleeping features, until he managed to make himself fill the green mug with the coffee he had brought, and Jensen sniffled and turned towards him – curled his body around Jared in the process.

Jared gulped, his breath hitched, and he realised he was a dork. Jensen was his friend, his best friend, and he loved him. Jensen was the person he spent all of his time with, he was the perfect housemate, and he loved him. Jensen was pretty, and funny, and Jared loved him.

I want a dream lover so I don’t have to dream alone

Jensen produced a happy little noise, and he curled a little tighter around Jared. He was dreaming about Brown, and Green, and Gold again, and this time there were dimples and a blinding smile in addition to the soft looking brown hair he was so desperate to touch.

Something smelled exceptionally awesome, too – like coffee and home – and it was warm, and comfy, and Jensen felt so good he could burst.

Then someone touched his head, ruffled his hair in a gentle, loving way, and Jensen melted into the touch and tried to get more of it. But the warm, strong hand that felt so good on the skin of his cheek just a second ago vanished, and Jensen woke with a strange feeling of loss.

Dream lover, until then

I go to sleep and dream again

That’s the only thing to do

Till all my lover’s dreams come true

Because I want a girl to call my own

Jensen yawned, pressed his cheek closer to the warm thigh his head was lying right next to, and hummed in appreciation. This was a very nice thigh – solid yet comfy, and it smelled really familiar … like Jared.

Jensen’s hazy mind mildly wondered what this thigh that smelled like Jared was doing in his bed, and Jensen extracted his face from the chequered pyjama bottoms that clothed the thigh and looked up to see a very, very crimson red Jared sitting by the side of his bed … in nothing but said pyjama bottoms.

Jensen found that a little bit strange, but apparently, Jared had brought him coffee and his thigh to cuddle with, and Jensen managed a happy little smile. “Morning, Jay.”

Jared didn’t answer, and Jensen thought that was a little bit rude.

I want a dream lover so I don’t have to dream alone

Then he remembered his dream and his eyes went wide. Staring into Jared’s eyes he saw Brown, Green, and Gold, Jared’s hair looked soft and very, very touchable, and although he did not smile in his usually blinding way, there was a hint of dimples on his cheeks even now.

“Jesus,” Jensen said, and because he was still half asleep, he shuffled a little so Jared would fit beside him on the mattress and started pulling on Jared’s arm.

Jared went down with an unmanly squeak, stunned to silence when Jensen sneaked on top of him like a sleepwalking ninja and abused him as a gigantic cushion.

“I’ve been dreaming about you for weeks,” Jensen mumbled, pressing his cheek to Jared’s chest, looking up to Jared with sleepy, yet loving eyes, and Jared had the very strong suspicion his brain just melted, while Jensen silently wondered how he could have been so very blind for so long.

Just because he’d been brought up to be straight that didn’t mean the love of his life had to be a girl. Jared was perfect for him in every way – he’d brought him coffee to bed, for goodness sake – and because Jared was so very perfect for him, he smiled when Jensen pressed a timid kiss to his chest – blinding, with the dimples on full force, and Jensen completely lost himself in Brown, Green, and Gold.

Please don’t make me dream alone

I beg you don’t you make me dream alone

No, no, I don’t wanna dream alone

Come on my darling, don’t make me dream alone

Please don’t make me dream alone

The End


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  moko-chan
2009-02-17T10:45:22+00:00 17.02.2009 11:45
Ok, dann werd ich die hier auch alle online stellen ... auch wenn ich den Eindruck gewinne, dass englische Fanfiction hier nicht ganz so heiß begehrt ist ...

Danke für deinen Kommentar! :)
Von: abgemeldet
2009-02-17T09:55:14+00:00 17.02.2009 10:55
Da fragst du noch?
Jaja, stell sie alle online.^^
Dann muss ich nicht dauernd auf Livejournal "ausweichen".;)
Die dritte Story war auch wieder sowas von süß. Schon als grün-braun-goldene Augen auftauchten, dachte ich nur noch "Ach, Jen... das musst du doch blicken, ey!"^^
Jedenfalls eine sehr, sehr süße Geschichte, ich konnte mir alles so wunderbar vorstellen und vermutlich renn ich den ganzen Tag deswegen mit einem Lächeln rum.:)
Freu mich auf Weiteres.
Von:  moko-chan
2009-02-16T14:42:35+00:00 16.02.2009 15:42
Ja, der nächste, der kommt dann am Mittwoch ... wenn ich's nicht vergesse!

Danke für deinen Kommentar! :)

(Und Jared kann zwar ganz gut so tun als ob, aber so wirklich böse wird er wohl nie sein ...)
Von:  yuna_16
2009-02-16T14:31:54+00:00 16.02.2009 15:31
wundevoll ;)
wenn jensen mich gefragt hätte, dann hätte ich ihm gleich sagen können von wem er träumt xD
und ich fand jareds evil plan gar nicht sooo evil^^
aber jared kam ja auch gar nicht dazu ihn auszuführen, jensen hatte mal wieder ne viel bessere idee *g*
hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen und wen störts denn, wenn wir hinterher alle ein bisschen bluna sind, solang wir spaß daran haben xD
freu mich auf den nächsten os,
