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What if Galadriel took the Ring from Frodo?

an alternative chronicle


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Frodo offers Galadriel the One Ring. She takes it and promises to hide it, until it’s safe to destroy it.  The Fellowship is not confided.


The Fellowship breaks. Boromir learns about Frodo’s secret, but dies before he can reveal it.


Galadriel takes care for the One Ring, she doesn’t dare to use it, yet. She prepares Lorien for war. Merriadoc and Pippin meet Treebeard. Gandalf meets Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Gollum leads Frodo and Samwise through the Dead Marshes.


Battle of The Hornburg.


Gollum finds out that the One Ring is not there. He accuses Frodo of treachery and leaves him. Frodo and Samwise get caught by Faramir. Samwise tries to convince Frodo of Returning to Lorien, but Faramir takes them to Osgiliath.


Saruman goes to the Shire.


Gollum keeps guessing to whom Frodo would have passed the Ring and walks on the old ways of the Fellowship.  


Sauron’s army invades Osgiliath and sieges Minas Tirith. Frodo and Samwise escape. Gollum sneaks into Lorien.


Sauron’s army  attacks Lorien for the third time. Galadriel forces the enemy out and storms Dol Guldur. She cleanses Mirkwood and proceeds to Gondor.  Frodo waits for Galadriel.


Gandalf and Meriadoc arrive in Minas Tirith. They learn about Frodo’s escape. Gandalf concludes that Frodo no longer has the One Ring.


Denethor sets himself in flames. Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Theoden dies, Eowyn kills the Witch King. Aragorn leads his host to the battle. They win.


Galadriel arrives in secret at Minas Tirith. Celeborn officially leads their host. Gandalf senses the power of the One Ring. He tries to persuade Galadriel of giving it back to Frodo. Galadriel decides that Lorien should “protect” Gondor as long as the war lasts.


Legolas and Gimli search for Frodo and Samwise.


Sauron starts a war of attrition. The One Ring darkens Galadriel’s thoughts.



The Shire is under control of Saruman. Legolas and Gimli find Frodo and Samwise.


Galadriel guards the people with her Girdle of Galadriel. The people love her and call her the Golden Hope.

Elves catch Gollum. Galadriel decides that it is better for him to die a peaceful death. Gandalf opposes, Frodo reminds Galadriel of her promise. Gollum is put into jail.


The eight surviving members of the Fellowship return to Rivendell. Frodo denies that he broke the oath, he still believes in Galadriel’s goodness. Elrond and Gandalf are debating what to do.


The Hobbits return to the Shire. They are not able to overthrow Saruman. They hide in Buckland and send tidings to Gandalf.



Elrond and Arwen arrive in Lorien. Aragorn refuses to take the crown of Gondor. Faramir becomes the new Steward. Eomer becomes king of Rohan.


Galadriel demands absolute obedience. She dreams of destroying Sauron, hence she drafts more troops, builds more war machines. It’s an arms race between her and Sauron. Humans are forced to learn the Elvish language and culture in order to become “better versions of themselves”.


Galadriel cleanses The Shire, she pities Saruman and convinces him to sail back to Valinor. He refuses and tells her that she is doomed, then he vanishes.


Arwen and Aragorn get married in Lorien. Elrond argues with Galadriel and eventually gives in. She unites men and elves.


Samwise marries Rose.


Frodo is sick.



Elanor is born. Frodo’s sickness becomes worse.



Galadriel convinces the Dwarves to join her host. Gimli commands the dwarven host.


Frodo returns together with Samwise, Pippin and Meriadoc to Galadriel, begging her to give him back the One Ring. She refuses. She commands him to stay and to recover. She orders the Hobbits to join the army. The Hobbits who appreciated Galadriel’s former aid send out their sons.



Galadriel’s host sieges the Black Gate and Minas Morgul.



Galadriel’s host conquers Minas Morgul. The siege continues.



Meriadoc becomes Lord of Brandybuck.



Sauron sallies out at the Black Gate and kills many people, including Elves. Galadriel decides that rather men, dwarves and hobbits should fight in this war.



Saurons sends out a plague. Pippin dies. Furthermore, Sauron was able to recruit mortal humans who would roam through the country, burning the fields, causing a famine. Galadriel punishes them.

Gandalf consults with Aragorn.  Arwen is send to Galadriel. She serves her, but also spies on her.



The people recover from the plague. There are few Hobbits left.



Desperate Arwen fails to steal the One Ring, Celeborn finds out. He keeps her secret.



Galadriel conquers the West of Mordor. She forces back the Nazgûl to Barad-Dûr.

Steward Faramir dies. Aragorn eventually accepts the crown of Gondor, because Galadriel said so.



Frodo reminds Galadriel of her promise. She answers him that she wants to avoid a direct confrontation with Sauron.


King Eomer dies. His son Elfinwe becomes king.



Rose dies.



Frodo dies. Galadriel feels remorse. Arwen secretly pressures Galadriel to keep her promise. Galadriel tells herself she has to win the war first. She is afraid of a trap waiting at Mount Doom.



Meriadoc dies.



Galadriel’s conquers Barad-dûr. Celeborn gets wounded, Galadriel who thought that the One Ring would protect her and her beloved ones is shocked.  Furthermore she finds out that Sauron hides himself at a secret place. She learns about Sauron’s secret agents hiding within her empire. Galadriel becomes paranoid.



Although Celeborn’s wound has healed, he is still sick. He grieves, because Galadriel isolates herself. She is angry. Treachery is punished by death. Although the people still love her, they are equally afraid. They want to please her, but nothing can fill the void in her heart.


Sauron hides himself in the North, he wants to increase Galadriel’s  anger and fear, spreading rumors. Elves vanish.


Arwen tries to keep Galadriel sane, comforting her. Galadriel is unable to sleep. She has got nightmares.  She enacts new laws.



Celeborn feels that he is dying, because he can’t stand Galadriel’s corruption. Galadriel decides to go to Mount Doom with him.



Galadriel and Celeborn arrive at Minas Tirith.


Galadriel believes that Celeborn wants to betray her. She kills him. The Ring jumps from her finger, but she catches him. She flees to Lorien.



Galadriel still mourns over the loss of Celeborn. She lashes out against Arwen. Elrond wants to take Arwen home, but Arwen refuses.


Galadriel has got fever, the Girdle becomes weak. Sauron gets stronger, his host becomes bigger.

Winter: Galadriel is delirious. Arwens sends for Aragorn, her brothers and Elrond. They take the One Ring from her, the Girdle breaks. The four Elves escape. Thranduils takes care of Galadriel.



Sauron overruns the North of Middle Earth. The Nazgûl searches for the One Ring.


Gandalf secretly leads Arwen and the others to Mount Doom.


They reach Mount Doom, Sauron’s agents behind them. Gandalf, Elros and Elladan fights against them.

Arwen throws the Ring into the fire. Sauron is destroyed. Arwen is exhausted. Mount Doom spits fire. Elros dies while saving the others. The Eagles save bring the others back to Minas Tirith.


They return to Galadriel. She is broken and dies.



There is finally peace in Middle Earth.



Eldarion is born. Aragorn and Arwen abolish many of Galadriel’s laws. The Shire is declared a free land.


Eldarion’s sisters were born in the following years.



Aragorn dies. Legolas and Gimli sail into the West.

Arwen raises her children, she is the Queen of Gondor. Gandalf is Eldarion’s teacher.



Eldarion becomes the new king of Gondor.



Most of the Elves leave Middle Earth.



Arwen leaves Gondor and arrives in Lorien.



Arwen dies. Gandalf leaves Middle Earth and sails into the West.



The Red Book of the Westmarch is completed.



There are copies of the Red Book in every library of Middle Earth.



A New Shadow arises. People start to worship Morgoth again, it seems.



Eldarion dies without a successor, his oldest sister becomes the new queen of Gondor, facing new threats.


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