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Not as planned 2 - Katsuki, Izuku and Eijiro

A/B/O Verse

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Katsuki and Eijiro talk about good and bad things.

Hm, TW: Mentions of suicidal thoughts/self-harm, death Komplett anzeigen


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Eijiro + Katsuki – Another Talk

Katsuki walked up the long driveway of the Kirishima residence. He still felt awkward and overwhelmed from his talk with Deku a few hours earlier. He rang the bell, and Mae opened him.

“Hi, Katsuki,” she said with a smile, but it dropped when she saw his expression. Her ears were pressed flat against her head. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh well, I need to talk to Kirishima …”

Mae’s eyebrows rose when he used the last name, but she let him in. Then, she turned around and called out for her ex-fiancé. “Eijiro! Come down, Katsuki is here!”

It took only a few seconds until Eijiro came out of his room. His eyes were wide. “Ka- Bakugo! H-hey!” He stammered awkwardly. Out of reflex, he wanted to pull Bakugo into a hug, but the blonde alpha put a fist against Eijiro’s chest to keep him away.

“We need to talk. It’s urgent,” he said in a serious tone. Eijiro gulped visibly.

“Uh, sure … Follow me.” He brought Katsuki over to the living room. “Do you want something to drink … or to eat?” He asked.

“No, thanks …” Katsuki sat down on the couch. He massaged his temple with one hand, Eijiro sat down too. Mae stood at the edge of the room.

“So … what’s the matter?” Eijiro was nervous.

“Deku called me.” He heard Eijiro gasp. Katsuki gritted his teeth. “We, uhm, talked briefly about the school time. We both agreed that it’s absolutely stupid of you to take all the blame. Look, Kirishima, you’re going through a lot, and you might feel like you caused everything. But that’s not true.” Katsuki’s red orbs pierced Eijiro’s. Eijiro wanted to protest against it, but Katsuki didn’t let him speak.

“So, don’t take the blame away from me - or Deku. All three of us fucked up, and it doesn’t feel right if you try to take my guilt away. Do you understand that?” Katsuki quirked an eyebrow.

“But … I … I should have told you earlier …” Eijiro started.

“Look, the point is, neither Deku nor I have the desire to talk about it any longer. So please, Kirishima … Eijiro, just let it go. It’s been over ten years by now. Why should we dig up bodies? We were all inexperienced teenage punks who made some mistakes. The world didn’t go down. It’s still turning, so why bother now? I get that you needed to get it off your chest, but now that you did … please just let it go. For your sake, for our sake.”

Eijiro bit down on his bottom lip, his jaw clenched. “I-I will try to let it go,” he mumbled.

His thoughts were focused on the fact that Katsuki had talked with Izuku … that Izuku had called Katsuki and not him. “Good,” Katsuki exhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Now that this is out of the way, do you want to hear the good or the bad news first?”

“What? Good news? Bad news?” Eijiro blinked a few times. “What are you talking about?”

“I asked you if you want to hear the good news first or the bad news. Your decision,” Katsuki’s voice was monotonous. He really didn’t want to tell him the bad news.

“Uhm, then s-start with the good, please …” Eijiro was afraid of the bad news. What could Katsuki mean?

“Well, the good news is, I got a job for you.”

“What?!” Eijiro’s eyes widened.

“Yep, Michiko needs a bodyguard at her house. She can’t leave Tenko and Ruben with Korra, who’s not a fighter, alone, when there’s a werewolf on the loose. Of course, she would pay you, and you could simultaneously pay off your debt. You would also be doing chores around the house.” Katsuki summarized.

Eijiro stared at him as if he had suddenly grown a second head. “But why would she want that?”

Katsuki shrugged. “As I said, she needs protection for Tenko and Ruben. So it’s not exactly hero work. You would more work around the house and help Korra with everything.”

“I, uh, I need to think about that,” Eijiro mumbled. “I will contact her later.”

“Yeah, do that.” Katsuki looked at Eijiro. He wondered how he would take the bad news.

“So, uhm, what are the bad news?” Eijiro asked nervously.

“Well, the reason why Deku called me in the first place …” Katsuki looked down. “Uhm, Lucia passed away earlier this morning …”

There was a long and heavy silence between them. Eijiro needed a few moments to process what Katsuki had said. When he did, his eyes widened in shock. “W-What? Why? How?”

“She passed after giving birth,” Katsuki answered. “Her heart couldn’t handle the stress, I think.”

“Oh my god … that must be so terrible for him …” Eijiro stared down at the couch table.

“Yeah, it is. When he managed her funeral and everything, he will come back to Japan.” Katsuki continued.

Eijiro gasped. “He comes back?!” He couldn’t believe it. Yes, the fact that Lucia died was tragic, but … but Izuku would come back …

“Yes, I just thought you should know about that …” Katsuki’s eyes were fixated on Eijiro.

He nodded. “Thanks … I just need to process this … I, uhm, should I call him too?”

Katsuki shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, decide that for yourself,” something else came to his mind. “Uhm, by the way, I might have mentioned that you are still in love with Deku.”

Eijiro’s eyes got wide, and a blush spread over his face. “What?!” He stared at Katsuki with his mouth wide open. “H-How did he react?”

“He didn’t really react; remember, his wife just died. He noted it but didn’t say much about it,” Katsuki mumbled.

“Ah … yeah, right, makes sense …” Eijiro leaned back on the couch. He looked kinda defeated. He didn’t know what to do.

“Well, this is all I wanted to tell you. Don’t forget to call Michiko.” Katsuki stood up. Eijiro didn’t move; he stared at the couch table.

Mae escorted Katsuki to the door. She stepped outside with him, so her ex-fiancé couldn’t hear her. “That’s terrible with Lucia,” she murmured. Katsuki nodded.

“Yeah, it is … what do you think, what will he do now?” Katsuki looked back at the closed door.

“To be honest, I don’t know. He’s fussing all over Izuku; it gets worse. I can sometimes hear him muttering how he planned to go to Ireland before realizing he had no money. This Izuku-situation became so much worse since his suicide attempt. It’s like an obsession.” She looked really exhausted. “He sometimes even tries to talk with me about Izuku, and I definitely don’t want to do that. I don’t hate Izuku, but he’s still the guy that Eijiro left me for, so hearing about him constantly doesn’t make me feel too good.”

“Yeah, that must be really hard on you.” Katsuki felt sympathy for her. He wouldn’t know if he could be so civil if Hiroto would dump him for Izuku. Not that Izuku was at fault for that, the guy was on the other side of the world, minding his own business. “I wonder what’s gotten into Eijiro?”

“I have no clue. Ever since we slept with Izuku and Lucia, it’s gotten worse, as if this experience triggered something in him. Had I known that I wouldn’t have proposed it,” she looked visibly frustrated. She frowned, but then her face just turned into a straight mask. She shook her head and sighed. “Ah, whatever, not that it matters.”

“How are you holding up?” Katsuki asked.

“I have to. It was my idea to buy this fucking house, and leaving him alone here or kicking him out doesn’t seem right to me. Besides, I need help with the pups. I would love to get some distance between us, but … uh, well, I guess I just have to endure it. Besides, I want to make sure that he doesn’t try to hurt himself any further.”

Katsuki nodded understandingly. “Yeah, it’s a very shitty situation. You’re stronger than I would have been. I would probably have kicked him out by now,” he grimaced.

She sniffed a little. “I hope it gets better … But I’m actually afraid of what he will do when Izuku returns. When I heard that, I was like, “Oh please, don’t jump on him as soon as he exits the plane” … I am positive that he would do that if he could.”

“Is he seeing a therapist after all of this?” Katsuki questioned.

“No, he says he wants to, but he still hasn’t even called his therapist.” Frustration was in her voice.

Katsuki tsked. “Maybe I should drag him to one. This is definitely not normal behavior. He needs to get this checked out.”

“I hope he will come to his senses.” Mae looked down to the ground. “Anyway … thank you for easing his mind a little. He was so worried that you would hate him now.”

“Eh, it’s not hate, I was just annoyed that he brought it up again, and of course, he dropped the suicide bomb and that he fucked with Deku, so yeah, not the best combination.”

“He’s such a mess sometimes,” Mae pinched the bridge of her nose. “Anyway, have a good day,” she smiled shortly at him.

“You too,” with that, Katsuki made his way back to his car.


Eijiro moved over to his room; he was still shocked about the things Katsuki had told him. Izuku would come back! He would really come back … But why had he not called him? Why only Katsuki? Eijiro wanted to be there for him too.

But what if Izuku didn’t want him to call? Izuku had not reached out to him after it happened. Instead, he had called Katsuki … Sadness washed over Eijiro. Was he not good enough? Of course not; Katsuki was always Izuku’s number one.

He shook his head. No, that wasn’t true; he knew that. He needed to stop thinking like that. It wasn’t Katsuki’s fault. He was sure there was a lot on Izuku’s mind, and he just forgot about him …

It also felt terrible to realize he had been forgotten … Eijiro was pacing in his room, contemplating if he should call Izuku or not. He wanted to be there for him too. But it seemed that he didn’t want to talk with him.

Besides, Katsuki had told Izuku that Eijiro still loved him. Even though he was grieving, how would he react if Eijiro called now? His heart was beating so fast he couldn’t collect his thoughts.

Eventually, he exhaled deeply, and before he could contemplate, even more, he grabbed his phone and called Izuku. It took incredibly long, but he eventually answered.

«Yes?» His voice sounded cold and as if it came out of a grave. Eijiro’s heart clenched.

“Hi, Izuku, I-I heard what happened. I’m so sorry!” He started, his voice cracked.

«Thanks …»

“How are you holding up?” he questioned. He grabbed the fabric of his shirt and curled his fist around it.

«I’m not doing so good, the broken bond drains me, and of course, the fact that the love of my life died …» he sounded so bitter.

This sentence stung in Eijiro’s heart. Of course, she was the love of his life; he had to remind himself. “I-If I can help you in any way, then just tell me. I don’t know how but I will try my best to help you.”

«Thank you, I appreciate that …» Izuku was silent for a moment. As if he was thinking about something. «And how are you doing?»

Eijiro gasped. He had not expected that Izuku would ask him. “Uhm, I don’t know, at the moment I’m worried, otherwise … I’m doing much better now,” he answered.

«… I see. That’s good to hear.»

The alpha was nervous. Would he bring up his feelings? He didn’t feel ready to talk about that. He would much rather do that in person.

«Hey, listen, I, uh, gotta go, I have some paperwork to do …»

Oh … “Uhm, of course, I didn’t want to hold you up. But, uh, just, uhm, call me if you need any help.” He felt like an idiot.

«Yeah, sure, thank you for calling. See you …»

“See you.” Izuku ended the call, and Eijiro was a shivering mess. The voice of his prime alpha sounded so sad. All he wanted was to make him feel more comfortable. He wanted to take the pain away from him. Shit, he really wanted to pull him into a hug. He wondered if Katsuki still had the Dakimakura they had made as a birthday present for him … His cheeks blushed.

He exhaled and got up. He needed to occupy his mind. His thoughts were raging around Izuku; he couldn’t do anything at the moment anyway.

“Mae, I’m heading out to meet up with Michiko to talk about the job!” He called out.

“Yeah, good luck,” she answered.


Eijiro arrived at the Moruga Agency. Unfortunately, he had to wait since Michiko was out. Kuroko and Toya were in the office, however. He felt uncomfortable in Kuroko’s presence. He chatted with Toya about his pregnancy; he was happy for him.

It took Michiko about forty minutes to come back. She was sweaty and exhausted; she looked disheveled. She got out of her jacket and ripped the scent patches off. Nasty capsaicin stench reached Eijiro’s nose.

“Hey, Eijiro,” she said when she had entered the room. “I guess Katsuki talked with you?”

“Yeah, he did … He said that you want me to work for you?” He fidgeted nervously with his fingers.

“Jep, I need a bodyguard for Tenko and Ruben. You would stay at my home and protect them. You would also help Korra with some of the chores.” She explained.

“But is that really okay? I mean, I have so much debt by you …” He looked down to the ground.

“So? You can work your debt off this way. But don’t worry, I’ll pay you well. So you still have money at the end of the month. I don’t expect you to work for free.”

He pursed his lips. “Do you expect the werewolves to attack?”

“No, it’s just to make absolutely sure, you don’t even have to run around in hero costume.”

Eijiro breathed in and out a few times, still thinking about her offer. “Hey, you don’t have to accept right away. But how about you give me an answer by the end of the week?”

“Yeah, I can do that,” he nodded. “A-And thanks for the opportunity.”

“Not a problem,” she smiled at him.

Eijiro left eventually. He still felt like his mind was racing. He definitely needed a job, but he wasn’t sure if that was the right one. He wondered what Izuku would do when he got back. He didn’t have a hero license. Would he re-do it? Would he even want to be a hero any longer?

His thoughts trailed off. He would love to cradle Izuku until he felt better. He wanted to hug the sadness away. He felt how he started to rumble to soothe himself. But he really wanted to soothe Izuku with his sounds.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he noticed only after about ten minutes that he was walking … he came by car! Embarrassed about himself, he turned around and walked back to it. God, why was he so distracted? He hoped Izuku would come back soon, it was a bit selfish, but Eijiro wanted him to sort his confused mind for him.

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