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Einzelposting: Legendensuche und Vergleich

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_195141/-1/12306347516379/

Von:   abgemeldet 30.12.2008 11:59
Betreff: Legendensuche und Vergleich [Antworten]
Inuzuka Shino Moritaka (犬塚 信乃 戍孝)
* kō (孝) - filial piety; devotion
Inukawa Sōsuke Yoshitō (犬川 荘助 義任)
* gi (義) - duty and obligation, but it can also be translated as righteousness
Inuyama Dōsetsu Tadatomo (犬山 道節 忠與)
* chū (忠) - loyalty
Inukai Genpachi Nobumichi (犬飼 現八 信道)
* shin (信) - faith
Inuta Kobungo Yasuyori (犬田 小文吾 悌順)
* tei (悌) - brotherhood; brotherly affection
Inue Shimbei Masashi (犬江 親兵衛 仁)
* jin (仁) - sympathy and benevolence, but note that, according to Confucianism, "jin" is also the greatest and most perfect virtue of all. It should come as no surprise that the bearer of this bead also happens to be the most powerful warrior of the eight.
Inuzaka Keno Tanetomo (犬阪 毛野 胤智)
* chi (知) - wisdom
Inumura Daikaku Masanori (犬村 大角 礼儀)
* rei (礼) - courtesy, but this can also be translated as proper form, i.e. an extensive knowledge and proper observation of tradition and manners
☆ 쥬얼리 ☆ 서인영

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