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Toki wo tomete Übersetzung und ein wenig was anderes ^^

Autor:  BlackLady
The summer stars are rushing away and fading out behind the buildings
As the days are speeding by, I’m almost in tears even with little things
The shop that you have wanted to go has gone
We have always believed that our love will never fade away

I want want to stop the time and be with you forever, my love
Looking up to the sky, I wish with all my heart
Connecting the sparkling stars one by one
I am longing… for your shadow

I’m not good in expressing my love for you, my first love is trembling at the water’s edge
Haltingly, side by side, our eyes can’t even spare one blink
Even though our words are written in the sand, it will be immediately washed away by the waves
During those days, we have always believed that our love will never fade away

I want want to stop the time and be with you forever, my love
I want to hold you, again and again
As I’ve recognized you step by step
I just believed in an eternal love

I want want to stop the time and be with you forever, my love
Looking up to the sky, I wish with all my heart
Tying all the shining stars together
I am longing… for your shadow

I want want to stop the time and be with you forever, my love
I want to hold you, again and again
I’ve recognized you step by step
I just believed in an eternal love

Der Laden... iwie kommt mir das bekannt vor... das ist wie mit Plus in Springe und diesem einen bestimmten Jungen der mir nicht aus dem Kopf gehen mag...</3

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