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B。o10 Berlin, Lyrics, merry-scatter, selbstgeschrieben

Autor:  vsan
title: B。o10 [ˈbɪˈoːˈtʃuː]
Genre: Hardrock // Metal

abgemeldet - Berlin

Sooo~ Long time no message here.
However, merry-scatter uploaded a new painting which is.. well what's the best way to describe it?... uhn... ehrm... yeah somehow I think it's kinda special and something new I haven't seen of her before! But you have to look for yourself to understand what I mean anyway! So go and take a look! TAKE A LOOK!

Anyway. The title of her portrait is 'Berlin' which reminds me of my old times there. I'm actually from Brandenburg and we often went to Berlin to visit my aunt and her family. I always liked that city somehow because it was the first huge and big city I ever visited and I guess that's something you never forget until you turn old.

It's a bit short but I wrote it about 5 minutes ago and I'm kinda running out of time because we both, merry-scatter and I, at the moment have to prepare ourselves for our A-Levels which start at the end of the week so she has no time to upload new paintings and I don't have time to write many lyrics... but anyway: Wish us luck! WISH US LUCK!

That's it. Sorry for creepy English
over and out

Oh, dreckige Stadt,
eingezäunt von Wänden,
in dir habe ich meine Farbe verloren.

Oh, du vollgeschmierte Stadt,
mit deinen öligen Enden,
festgeklebt an dir, bin ich durchgefroren.

Zerrissenes Herz und tausende Leiden.
Deine Hände als Warnzeichen vor mir,
nur um Schmerz zu vermeiden.
Allein dies reicht nicht aus,
doch ich vergebe dir.

Denn hier habe ich mein Herz verloren.

Drängende Stimmen pulsieren fest.
Oh, traurige Stadt,
dessen Leuchten nur Schein ist.

Schließe Augen und Herzen
nur um Leiden und Schmerzen
zu verstecken.

Deine Hand, wartend auf mich,
wie ein einsamer Hund ohne Führung,
tief verwurzelt in deinen Seitenstraßen.