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折鶴 hiroshima, Lyrics, selbstgeschrieben, 折鶴

Autor:  vsan
... in remembrance of Sasaki Sadako...
(* 7. Januar 1943 Hiroshima; † 25. Oktober 1955 due to the radioactive contamination)


lost footprints, my destructed heart.
I need a shoulder, where can I find yours?
Searching for you's my life.
Slowly I move through the rusty street.

I can see your eyes in the sherds
which remains from the city.
Where's the wind with its
nippy ideas, we need you now.

cranes flying deeply
over the ruins of old buidlings
where I search for you.

flying far away, far away
to find the paradise.

the clockwork already stopped.
Your heartbeat seems to be far away.
Maybe I'll find you in the paradise.

Slowly I move through a city
begging for salvation, begging for you.
All I get are old memories.

The dusk sets and I haven't found you
The dusk sets and I haven't found you

cranes flying deeply over me
I wanted to touch them but didn't reach...
Query myself whither they fly

Maybe into paradise...

While I'm here in that rusty city
waiting for you...

forever loving you...

you'll find this lyric in livejournal and myspace under another title: 荒廃 ~kouhai~
which means "ruins"...
I changed the title into -orizuru- for animexx, it means "origami crane"

comments would be nice

thank you